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pi_god_314159 t1_iscxd9d wrote

TIL $13,000 is considered a low budget for an album


I_amnotanonion t1_isddves wrote

For a higher profile album it is although I totally get where you’re coming from. You’ve got to book a studio for a while so you can recut stuff, do multiple takes, etc…, and you need engineers and mastering on top of just the producer and the rapper. I made an album with a local band I was in. It was about $500 for a little less than a day of studio time that included doing all songs in a take or 2 and basic mixing. We also had to pay another $250 to an artist to do a cover. It’s amazing how quickly stuff ads up


ELH13 t1_ise4jkf wrote

Bleach by Nirvana was done for about $600.