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CheckOutDisMuthaFuka t1_iu2rask wrote

Are lambskin condoms even still a thing? I remember hearing they were terrible when I was a kid..... Many, many, many years ago

Edit: many


JimProphet t1_iu2rf63 wrote

This is why sheep are always spreading STDs.


HappySkullsplitter t1_iu2rwd8 wrote

No wonder the drug store clerk looked at me so strangely when I said that I couldn't find the lambskin condoms


CheckOutDisMuthaFuka t1_iu2sfuo wrote

That's.... Pretty terrible if you ask me.

But I do also recall hearing that they were subpar as birth control as well. But that's 100% anecdotal.

My point being why would people bother buying them when there are superior and easy to get latex condoms? Is there some other benefit that I'm not aware of?


Lingua_Blanca t1_iu2sm7h wrote

I am skeptical that anyone old enough to remember lambskin condoms, would not know this. That's right, I am suggesting that you did NOT actually learn this today!


respectfulpanda t1_iu2u3rg wrote

Not only do you sleep with that lamb, but all the lambs they slept with.


Amcarlos t1_iu2u5h8 wrote

I heard that Kiwis used to make a type of condoms by using sheep intestines which had zero chance of pregnancy. That is until someone came along and made an "improvement" by removing the sheep.


ZoneBreaker97 t1_iu2ua58 wrote

TIL that there is such a thing as lambskin condoms...


aarkwilde t1_iu2x5d7 wrote

Dodged one bullet, but caught three more.


Pr0jectJ t1_iu32o8p wrote

Sam Morril is going to be really disappointed to hear this!


Dotto_9999 t1_iu34fi7 wrote

Tbh there weren't that many STDs floating around in the caveman ages.


kingofblazingfire t1_iu3767q wrote

Good. To. Know. Now how do I make a doctors appointment?


timborowe t1_iu38lks wrote

They are super effective. 99% of women will immediately leave if you pull out the lambskin special. It’s celibacy with extra steps!


Brock_Way t1_iu3c2p6 wrote

This is one of the many things I said 20 years ago about HIV in particular and got hounded into oblivion by the nutters talking about "you're going to get people killed; if you knew anything about science... "

Meanwhile I was QUOTING the science. All these variables were published in the sero-discordant couples articles. They even published the statistics related to seroconversion after single instance of vaginal sex. People thought wearing a condom reduced your chance of seroconversion from near certain to one in a million or some shit.

The truth turned out to be that wearing a condom changed your odds from about 1:1,000 to about 1:5,000.

If that is going to change your behavior fundamentally, okay....


Sunnygurrl t1_iu3j8v1 wrote

And this kiddies, is why Sex Ed should be taught in schools again.


unknownentity1782 t1_iu3k9am wrote

> Is there some other benefit that I'm not aware of?

They feel better.

My wife doesn't do well with any female contraceptives, and so instead of making her suffer, I wear condoms. I have no fear of STI's, so that detractor is out. If both stop pregnancy, I'm going to go with the one that feels better.

Or in my case, the one I can afford, so I still use latex. But, if I could afford it, I'd switch.


lord_drutt t1_iu3klou wrote

Without context, this does beg the question of "how" you learned this.


KiwiMiddy t1_iu3ktj2 wrote

To be fair, they’re not that baaaaad


Moskau43 t1_iu3mrgu wrote

That’s pretty metal, fucking with a dead animal on your cock.

Perfect for some Halloween action.


ElfMage83 t1_iu3uvc3 wrote

Well, yes. This is on the box.


Moosetappropriate t1_iu3z5cf wrote

They should know that wool hangs on to everything. And is a bitch to sanitize.


love2Vax t1_iu4c2z5 wrote

This is why schools need real Sex Ed programs. I've known this fact for over 30 yrs.


NiteFyre t1_iu4nlxz wrote

That’s why i use bear skin condoms.


Binh3 t1_iu4pqy9 wrote

I hope you didn't learn the hard way.


Brock_Way t1_iu55dvs wrote

Condoms in general. For example:

HIV sexual transmission risk among serodiscordant couples: assessing the effects of combining prevention strategies [AIDS. 2014 Jun 19; 28(10): 1521–1529]

Pay attention to the author list, because there is probably going to be quiz later on at some point.

EDIT: Condom and Nonoxynol-9 use and the incidence of HIV infection in serodiscordant couples in Zambia [25+ years ago now]


FeeValuable22 t1_iu5b1vw wrote

That's really about the only thing I learned in the army. Luckily not the hard way.


NearPeerAdversary t1_iu5wazu wrote

I'm a meat eater and have no problem with using animal products, but for some reason, the idea of covering my dick with the intestines of a dead animal and fucking my SO with it, is kind of off putting. Logically it shouldn't, but for some reason it just hits differently than using them for other things like leather clothing, sausage casings, etc.


_WitchoftheWaste t1_iu6512o wrote

Imagine being slaughtered so someone can use your skin to fuck. Anyway thanks for the info OP I had no idea.


mLOVEaMIDNIGHTitdotc t1_iu6gt5x wrote

They also feel and smell gross. 0/10 do not recommend unless they’re your only option (latex allergy)


Do-ya-like-Baileys t1_iu79etv wrote

They definitely have a smell, I don’t think it’s bad though, just weird. I would assume they could smell bad if they were stored improperly or old. I think they feel better probably because they transfer heat better and they feel more natural because they are made out of actual organic material.


LobbydaLobster t1_iuh8872 wrote

"To begin, they aren’t made of a lamb’s skin but rather from the lamb’s cecum, a large intestinal pouch."

Seriously? Sheep intestines!

I thought lambskin was just a nickname all this time.