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9Lives_ t1_iug7uyk wrote

It’s also used in some ayahuasca brews to prevent nausea and vomiting. It’s also an amazing pain reliever in micro doses.

On the inverse side, if you dose too high there’s a strong probability that you’ll be admitted to the psychiatric hospital. What freaks me out is that the entity’s people encounter are unlike other psychedelics (because datura is a deliriant) in that they are very specific. For example with DMT/shrooms people encounter machine elves which is a pretty blanket term and the entities manifest in different ways depending on the person but with datura it’s so specific and always a woman with black eyes and a pet wolf.


Clid3r t1_iugwly1 wrote

Any written accounts of that?


9Lives_ t1_iuh6vhk wrote



Mediocre-Age-7457 t1_iuhycue wrote

Could you please cite where in the reference? I’ve read the entire article and can’t find anything about a woman and her pet wolf.


Clid3r t1_iuifq1n wrote

I should have been more clear that’s what I wanted to read about too.

People seeing little grey men is one thing… but a woman with black eyes and a wolf is pretty specific and I’d be curious to see if any controlled studies were done without letting the subjects know who/what to expect.


DUNDER_KILL t1_iuj8jff wrote

There definitely aren't any. It's just the kind of thing where given enough sample size, a bunch of people will hallucinate the same thing, talk about it, and think there is a pattern. Then people hear about that and end up hallucinating it as well because they are thinking about it. Most people won't see a woman and a wolf and their experience just won't be noteworthy enough to be discussed


Clid3r t1_iuj9l6t wrote

You never know, it’s why we were both asking.

Be interesting to hear people tried it and had the same experience, continents and decades apart.


Brilliant_Jewel1924 t1_iuhg170 wrote

That’s very fascinating. I’m not sure I’d be willing to take any myself, but it’s interesting that they’ve done this research.


9Lives_ t1_iuhlj7b wrote

It has many routes of administration, from tincture drops to ointments that you can apply locally.