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Gemmabeta t1_iudd5hq wrote

The earliest origin of this idea traces back to this 2000 Straight Dope article, which cites no sources.

In fact, the pointy hat has a long history of being used as a symbol of shame, for example the Capirote, which was a mark of humiliation worn by heretics undergoing the auto-da-fe.


Saturnalliia t1_iudhd4l wrote

The auto-de what now?


DistortoiseLP t1_iuej6h4 wrote

The fun part of a visit by the Inquisition after all the other legal proceedings wrapped up.


atomicdustbunny07 t1_iuhvx8w wrote

How can they be expected to read if they can't fit into the buildings (wearing point hats)?


its_not_you_its_ye t1_iuend03 wrote

It is worth also noting, though, that while your comment applies to the origin of the tradition of the cap, the term “dunce” does trace back to John Duns Scotus. While he was a noted philosopher in his time, his followers were later seen as outdated thinkers during the Enlightenment, which is how the teen became pejorative.


charredutensil t1_iueq7ye wrote

"penitence" is definitely not the first thought I had when I clicked that second link...


XShhhDontBiteX t1_iuf99jf wrote

Damn. The Kool Kid’s Klub really ruined pointy hats for everybody.