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MatiloKarode t1_iuf2wli wrote

I'm going to try this when I get home.


fapcicle t1_iufvxor wrote

Comments like these are why I browse reddit


substantial-freud OP t1_iuf38rd wrote

Maybe start with just your blood vessels: they will only go around the Earth twice.


DistortoiseLP t1_iufgt94 wrote

>So ask yourself, is it even possible to calculate the odds that the level of sophisticated nano-engineering required to create such a DNA strand for one cell, much less for three trillion cells?

The odds of what? That question doesn't make sense, though looking around their site I'm assuming that was supposed to suggest this claim supports Intelligent Design.

At any rate, it isn't sophisticated at all. The vast majority of it doesn't do anything, and this is much of the reason you have such an abundance of it. An "engineered" organism made in accordance to some purposeful design would contain a far leaner profile of instructions for encoding it.


>HillFaith is the ministry that God called Mark Tapscott to in 2018, and which, despite serious obstacles like the Covid lockdown in 2020 and a shattered kneecap in 2019, is now steadily maturing in its capabilities and resources, and its capacity for serving people on Capitol Hill.
>Mark has been an award-winning investigative news reporter and editor since 1985, he was a Reagan administration appointee from 1981 to 1985, and he worked as a press secretary and chief of staff for two House members and as communications director for a senator between 1977 and 1980. Congress has been a major focus of Mark’s life and work for many decades.
>HillFaith is rigorously non-partisan, witnessing to and seeking to serve congressional aides and employees without regard to their employers’ partisan identification or personal leanings. Jesus is neither Democrat, nor Republican, and His life-changing Grace and Salvation are available to every person.

Whoo boy. Quite a biology source you found here. I wasn't expecting this DNA trivia to immediately spiral down the rabbit hole of Christian Nationalism.


josetemprano t1_iufipgc wrote

Yeah - some religious org shouldn't be used as a source for science articles


substantial-freud OP t1_iufke23 wrote

You think the tenets of Christian Nationalism are

  • DNA is the repository of biological information
  • Jesus is neither Democrat, nor Republican

DistortoiseLP t1_iuflos8 wrote

No, I think Christian Nationalism is a ministry that lobbies Christian apologetics exclusively to American lawmakers and their staff:

>First and foremost, HillFaith, as an apologetics ministry, seeks to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a fact-driven, logical and non-judgmental way with those who work as aides to senators, representatives, congressional committees and congressional agencies.
>Mark is a regular participant in Faith & Law activities and works with other ministries with activities and concerns on Capitol Hill. HillFaith is unique in being the sole apologetics-based ministry with its focus entirely on men and women working in Congress and on Capitol Hill.

Their videos, including the one you shared here today, are in service of that mission:

>Most of the content that appears on HillFaith is intended to answer objections of critics of Christianity and to illustrate how having a saving, personal relationship with Jesus Christ transforms hearts, minds and cultures.

The site makes no effort to hide what they're about and what they're promoting to the American government. Are you seriously about to argue with me about is?


Trixet t1_iufctxg wrote

And yet I can’t reach the top shelf


Fermented_Discharge t1_iufe4cl wrote

And if you stretched all the atoms in your body, you could make almost 6 complete trips to Proxima Centauri B.


speculatrix t1_iuh20e6 wrote

The human body is an amazing thing. Did you know that if all your blood vessels were taken and stretched out lengthways end to end, you'd die?


on_ t1_iufqwoy wrote

And folding a paper 103 times reaches the frontier of the visible universe. Those comparisons don’t really mean much.


fat-lobyte t1_iuftm20 wrote

OK cool but now I want to know what kind of event would stretch out all the DNA in my body between the earth and the sun


DM99 t1_iug54oh wrote

If the sun collapsed to a black hole and the earth fell into it’s event horizon?


Chairmaker00100 t1_iufvhjk wrote

So.. if you took anything , broke it down into its smallest components, and stretched them out, they could go a really really long way. Wow thanks for that.


HuffnDobak t1_iug4j5r wrote

Compartmentalization at its finest


NewPhoneWhoDis111 t1_iug508u wrote

I gave my wife some extra DNA last night, she might have enough for 19 or 20 times now


kl0 t1_iugt4nf wrote

So according to Andy Bernard, we’re looking at about 3,348,000,000 miles?


HPmoni t1_iuitmxt wrote

Don't fat shame that DNA!


Valuable-Garbage-298 t1_iuj05v5 wrote

I heard that if you were to do the same with atoms in your body, they would stretch for something like 17 light years


ibot2 t1_iufefoj wrote

Sorry but this is BS.
