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thumpthumpboom t1_iy2o9wi wrote

Consumption has you burning your sister’s heart and drinking it like it’s fight milk because Vampires? What a god awful time to have been alive.


ZirePhiinix t1_iy2pn55 wrote

Medicine made huge strides in the last 100 years. Wait until you read about amputation before the invention of anesthetics...


herbw t1_iy3s04o wrote

The greatest advances in human longevities came with good public health laws, Vaccines and antibiotics. As we see today with Covid Vaxes....

We now live TWICE as long as the average person in 1910. And we have few doubts that given medical advances coming in only 50 yrs. that will double again.

Many children alive today may well live to be 150. The effects on social security will be remarkable.

And then all that silly doom and gloom. We have more nonagenarians alive at present that EVER before in human history, as a consequence. And many of them fully functional, too.

Fully six of my parents' bros. and sis' lived to be in their 90's. Many of us now have 25 more yrs. to "mingle " with the female population.....

And the effects of collecting that much info, wisdom and experiences will be remarkable, too.


BlueEyedRage t1_iy4je7m wrote

>Many of us now have 25 more yrs. to "mingle " with the female population.....

Another amazing fact a redditor pointed out was that, with all the porn on the internet, you have probably seen vastly more vaginas or dicks then anyone else in your ancestry. Going back in the day, even if you managed to see every vagina or dick in your village, you'd maybe manage to see a couple hundred vaginas/dicks in your lifetime. Now you can see a couple hundred vaginas/dicks an hour! From all over the world! I don't know why, but I think back on this fact way too often.


herbw t1_iy4jwqj wrote

Mentioned pleasant interactions with women. If some think that's porn, they need to get a life.


sequentialsequins t1_iy30ap9 wrote

Tooth pulling and wearing green were horrifying- oldy timey amputation is the level after that.


MightyWhiteSoddomite t1_iy4hk6e wrote

Yep. Today we have managed disease and viruses so well that some people think they aren't even real anymore.


thumpthumpboom t1_iy4i1fr wrote

Oh they are real. It’s just the vaccines that have chemical microchips which can track location and read your thoughts and lower your sperm count. Obviously.


Wimbleston t1_iy3jgog wrote

And people act like today is bad, people used to genuinely be that stupid.