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S-Vagus t1_iww8u0k wrote


Trapptor t1_iwwl2af wrote

Would you consider this a privilege, or do you actually think that the entirety of humanity has that luxury?


S-Vagus t1_iwwwaf0 wrote

I don't think everyone has the privelege of reading your reply to my reply to the comment of OP's content, however I do believe if you and I work together we can provide that luxury to all humanity by enshrining this moment somehow... any ideas?


Trapptor t1_iwwyklm wrote


Would you consider the fact that you “don’t recall ever needing a ruler to give a fuck about [you] OR that anyone other than [yourself] has to care about [your] money” a privilege, or do you actually think that the entirety of humanity has that luxury?


S-Vagus t1_iwwz8rq wrote

If it is a privelege then it is a privelege I give myself, if it is a luxury then it is because I've elevated the artform of the English language to such heights as to only have followers of the examples I set, and whether or not all of humanity wants to experience the joy that is superior communication skills is an exercise left for a given individual to attempt, occupy, pursue, or present.


I am Source, Material, and Inspiringly Interesting:


Trapptor t1_iwx03tp wrote

You’re so close to passing the Turing test, but the lack of comprehension isn’t quite hidden by the appeal to absurdity.


S-Vagus t1_iwx0qwo wrote

I agree that the fact anyone finds me appealing is a joke in and of itself, much like the word 'privelege' and 'luxury' when compared to my cultural language of Vagus Story Hands.


Trapptor t1_iwx1ff1 wrote

See above comment


S-Vagus t1_iwx69zh wrote

You can't exceed the standards and thresholds I set? Aw, you really do love me. Thanks.


Mynewadventures t1_iww9i73 wrote

Are you implying that I'm confused about something? If so, please explain and specify so that I can explain any point or confusion.


BlackBrass_ t1_iwwhwto wrote

Well, you are definitely confused by his message


PromptCritical725 t1_iwwrhpw wrote

Rather liberating isn't it?

The only real difference is that I expect companies to only care about money. That makes them predictable. It's the government people that are problematic because they're supposed to be elected to represent us, but they don't in varying degrees.


S-Vagus t1_iwwwtzb wrote

If all companies only care about money then what is money and why doesn't it need so much care? Is money trying to predict human reaction profiles? They would actually succeed if they learned the Vagus Martial Arts of Ego.


PromptCritical725 t1_iwx07hq wrote

Money exists because bartering is inefficient. That's all.


S-Vagus t1_iwx0n7x wrote

Teaching is indeed the superior superlative semantic shaker. That's why I just teach people how to get paid by other people who aren't me. What other lesson is there in any given economy?