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SatansLoLHelper OP t1_ixnrdar wrote

Newspaper clipping.

Obie plays himself in the movie, because making himself look like a fool was preferable to having somebody else make him look like a fool. He did spend 2 hours to find evidence of whose trash it was.


johnnywriteswrongs t1_ixnrtuh wrote

Just finished listening to it. Thanksgiving tradition at my house.


balsaaaq t1_ixnsdka wrote

Did you think I was going to hang myself for littering?


JFH1111 t1_ixntdxg wrote

I drove past Alice’s Restaurant in Woodside just yesterday. I had forgotten the story took place at thanksgiving.


VADave83 t1_ixnvi5f wrote

Even the father rapers?


Ulgeguug t1_ixnx141 wrote


I wanna kill


Homelessnomore t1_ixo1h0a wrote

The missing audio from the Nixon Watergate tapes is about the same length as Alice's Restaurant. Coincidence? I think not.


mediumokra t1_ixo1r1r wrote

It took me YEARS to realize the point of the song Alice's Restaurant. The hidden message in the song is that he tells the story and says he's REALLY here to talk about the draft, and the things he does to try to make himself undesirable to the military.... But then they find out he was arrested for littering and they wouldn't take him.

The REAL hidden message in the song is if you can get yourself arrested for a minor crime like littering, you can avoid getting drafted. That's the whole hidden message.


TheOutbreak t1_ixo3bt9 wrote

I have no idea what this is about. I've never heard about any of this. Is this Thanksgiving tradition? What? Is it a regional thing?


loquacious_avenger t1_ixo4vka wrote

Our local radio station (KINK FM) always played Alice’s Restaurant at 1:00, and supper at my sister’s was at 2:00. We would leave the house at 1:00 sharp and pulled into her driveway as the song ended.

My youngest son came home one day and said he had to share a Vietnam War protest song with his APUSH class but didn’t know any. I told him to just wait ‘til it came ‘round on the guitar again.


therealganjababe t1_ixo7suh wrote

I have to disagree,. I believe the message is how fucked up war is, that they'd take murderers and rapers but not someone who got arrested for something silly. That he was unacceptable to go kill people, and the absurdity of the draft, the war, all of it.


alarsonious t1_ixo9moz wrote

Well it's certainly true it is a story...


bolanrox t1_ixoabfq wrote

And it was first perform at the same workshop event that time had come today was


IMind t1_ixodjkp wrote

It's fucking hilarious


richg0404 t1_ixofdsf wrote

> The hidden message in the song is that he tells the story and says he's REALLY here to talk about the draft

Well it's not really hidden given that Arlo says that exact thing in the song.


ProfessionallyJudgy t1_ixokzbv wrote

The line is like 95% of the way through the song and its a single use of the word, not multiple slurs.

Personally, I always figured it was a tongue in cheek reference to the homophobia of the very conservative US military of the Vietnam Era, not that he was himself referring to gay men in that way. But sure, people can be offended about it if they like.


kay14jay t1_ixol7jy wrote

So you read through the lyrics and found nothing wrong? Maybe a word that belongs in the past .. many ‘good’ things have been left there for far less.


Raistline1 t1_ixool0d wrote

Wife took me to see him about 15 years ago couple weeks before Thanksgiving in a room maybe seating 150 peeps. One of the the most memorable nights of my life. And of course he threw in Alice's Restaurant Massacre in four part harmony with extra jokes scattered throughout.


MWBluegrass t1_ixou1qv wrote

The incident happened on Thanksgiving. That's why the dump was closed. People try to listen to the song once a year on Thanksgiving. I mean, I's only 18 minutes long.


corycutstrees t1_ixoulqq wrote

Some radio stations play it every thanksgiving since the events in the song begin on thanksgiving day.

I didn’t grow up with my parents playing it, but I’ve played it on thanksgiving every year since 2004 when I was 14 and first heard it on the radio on the way to a family thanksgiving lunch.

I called my folks today and what are they doing? Listening to Alice’s Restaurant in my absence. They have apparently done that every year since I moved out of the state (10 years ago). It made me feel very loved.


Gay-is-me t1_ixov06v wrote

I have been looking for this on and off for 5 years, thank you.


TheOutbreak t1_ixovp2p wrote

I guess I should have read the lyrics, thank you for further explanation. It makes a lot more sense now.

It really seemed like y'all were saying "here is an anti-draft/anti-vietnam song we play on Thanksgiving just because" which sounds just as bizarre as Unfortunate Son being a classic Christmas jingle.


mclms1 t1_ixoz6jd wrote

And creating a nuisanse.


Brock_Way t1_ixp0s70 wrote


As it turns out, you CAN get Alice.


jazzminetea t1_ixp0vzi wrote

It's more generational than location. Been a thanksgiving tradition in my southern family for years.

or maybe more anti-war folk than generational... but definitely not about where you are from; other than it is American.


Gaygay09 t1_ixp1mgg wrote

My husband and I listen to it every Thanksgiving


SatansLoLHelper OP t1_ixp1oeu wrote

> Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago

It's a hippie thing. Arlo Guthrie is Woody Guthrie's kid, Woody was a famous Union Folk Singer in the US. You may have heard his hit song "This Land is Your Land".

Is Die Hard only a Christmas movie on the West Coast where Nakatomi Plaza blew up?


Positive-Source8205 t1_ixp533d wrote

I was sittin’ there on the Group W bench snd the biggest, meanest farther taper of them all cane up to me and said, “What’d you get?”

And I said, “I got a $50 fine for littering …” And they all moved away from me, then I said, “And creating a public disturbance.” And they all moved back.


Redawg660 t1_ixp7v0d wrote

It was the quintessential protest song of the Vietnam era.


ilrosewood t1_ixp9iju wrote

I always assumed Obie knew what he was doing and purposely saved him from the draft.


BloodChasm t1_ixpattw wrote

My favorite touch tunes song to play. Annoys the shit out of people cause it's 20 minutes of a dude rambling.


LeonardSmallsJr t1_ixpatuh wrote

Kiss my grits. Which Alice’s Restaurant are we talking about?

Edit: Answer is one Arlo Guthrie sings about, not the sitcom.


subsonicmonkey t1_ixpdr7a wrote

We used to hear it on Thanksgiving on the radio in California as we drove to my grandparents’ place in Lake Tahoe in the 80s & 90s.

I just played it on Spotify this morning for myself while I was prepping some Thanksgiving dishes.


rogueop t1_ixpfdf7 wrote

Goddamn that song sucks.


daisy0723 t1_ixph48j wrote

That is so funny. I heard it for the first time yesterday.


Melondog7 t1_ixphbl0 wrote

Pierre Robert, WMMR 93.3


niamhweking t1_ixpitaj wrote

We'd have Xmas and easter dinner around 3, but never eat dinner any other day at that time. It takes so long to eat you gotta start earlier than normal, we'd also be up earlier on Xmas day than normal and I'm motnmaking a lunch and dinner that day so it's a dunch or linner type thing


dinodoes t1_ixpmoll wrote

I have never heard of this song. Will listen and edit my comment when I do


mr_four_eyes t1_ixpoty2 wrote

I mentioned listening to it to some of my old co-workers and not a single one had ever heard of it


PirateQM t1_ixpwkvr wrote

Obie said he was making sure, and friends Obie was, cause he took out the toilet seat so I couldn't hit myself over the head and drown, and he took out the toilet paper so I couldn't bend the bars roll out the - roll the toilet paper out the window, slide down the roll and have an escape.


leeroy20 t1_ixq3aja wrote

Great song! We listen to it every year on Thanksgiving. He's an outstanding performer, I've seen him about 10 times. Went and visited the church a few years back, Arlo bought it and turned it into a music venue.


CircaSixty8 t1_ixq5ryg wrote

Fun facts, Alice's restaurant still very much exists and is open for business to this very day.


BearsArrive t1_ixq5sr0 wrote

Not sure I'd say that's a hidden message as much as it's just the exact content of the song.

The 'message,' as Arlo tells it, is a sort of celebration of stupidity. Let's all be thankful that the assholes running our world are morons too, or there'd have been a lot more folks shipped out to Vietnam.


BearsArrive t1_ixq62ho wrote

It's a very famous protest song against the Vietnam war, taking the form of a true story about how the singer got arrested for dumping garbage when he was a teenager, and later found out that made him ineligible for the draft.

It's poignant and really funny, I'd definitely recommend having a listen sometime. It is like, 15 minutes long, though.


AU_Cav t1_ixq65do wrote

The radio station near my mother’s house plays it at noon every Thanksgiving. I time my trip to arrive at her house at 12:15 so I don’t have to sit in her driveway listening to the end


Longjumping_Youth281 t1_ixqbqy1 wrote

Wait so in the song is this made out to be like trivial or something like that? Because it sounds like he dumped an entire bus worth of trash in a beautiful meadow. That actually is a kind of shitty thing to do. When people said littering I always thought like it was one paper cup or something like that.

Stockbridge is absolutely beautiful and has some great natural beauty and stuff like that. It would definitely suck if two people came from out of town and literally just dumped garbage everywhere


Bigbird_Elephant t1_ixqe59w wrote

My dad was an extra on the movie and did some work for Arlo at the time


36-3 t1_ixqhtya wrote

You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant (excepting Alice)......


RealityGuru t1_ixqio8p wrote

Named my son Arlo. This was the first year he was old enough to listen and understand that the singer had the same name as him.


Avium t1_ixqlz13 wrote

Damnit! I forgot that was a Thanksgiving song.

Now, I must go listen to the whole 18 minutes again.

Oh, and the first time I heard that song was on the radio in my car. I had to pull over because I was laughing too hard to drive.