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AndiamoABerlinoBeppe t1_ixu0gs7 wrote

Say what you will about Germany, but their genocidal past is worked through super intensely at school. The concept of „Vergangenheitsbewältigung“ rests on making clear that is was in fact Germans committing the holocaust.


thecamp2000 t1_ixu410p wrote

We definitely doing better then others ehh screw that we doing better then everyone. Still the fact that there are people from the Afd and all sorts of deniers makes me think denazification didn't go far enough.


centizen24 t1_ixv79p7 wrote

I went on a school band trip to Germany about fifteen years ago. We had these special shirts made that were in our school colors, with a Canadian flag on one sleeve and a German flag on the other. Our teachers handed them out to some of the German students and teachers we were playing for and while they put them on, we noticed every German person wearing the shirt crossed their arms in such a way the German flag was covered but the Canadian flag was left uncovered.

We thought we'd offended them by not having the flag be more prominent, but as it was explained to us by one of the German teachers, it's still considered somewhat taboo to wear the German flag openly as a private citizen.