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Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ix7jnvz wrote

Interesting comparison. Just because someone writes a lot of songs doesn't make them a great songwriter. And most of Dylan's stuff was just him rambling and talking about stuff. And it's boring. Basically AM radio. Talk Radio. He had some good songs yes. Again I enjoy Bob Dylan's few good songs. But overrated. If you're at a part are you pulling out Bob Dylan or MJ and Elvis?


LeaCTrockboys t1_ix7lbw3 wrote

Who said anything about writing a lot of songs? I feel like you know your argument has no gas and you're just being a contrarian at this point.

Who's to say that more popular party music is automatically better? Most people at a party want to listen to fun popular songs, obviously mj and Elvis work better as party music for a general audience, but if those are the metrics you are using then why are we even having this discussion?

You're trying to discredit my argument by presenting an argument that is weak. "Whats better for a party" or whats more popular wasn't what the discussion was about and you're trying to pivot and accusing me of googling things. Terrible.


Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ix7mccp wrote

This conversation isn't even cohesive or coherent anymore bc you keep editing your post instead of just adding replies. Nonetheless my opinion is still my opinion. You've not offered any songs comparable to the depth or insight of hallelujah which was the starting point of all this.


LeaCTrockboys t1_ix7mgta wrote

I didn't edit this one. I got embarrassed after the first time and stopped editing.


LeaCTrockboys t1_ix7myw5 wrote

But depth and insight changes! Those things are fluid. There may be a time in your life where that specific song doesn't click the way something else does.

How do we measure insight and depth.