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herbw t1_iw86oc4 wrote

bs. WE DO what Singapore does and we get what Deng Hsaio Ping did , and returned prosperity to Chung Hua's ruinous maoist Practices.

Get rid of the rampant spending, get rid of ruinous damage to energy supplies, get rid or green rules which collapse the market efficiencies and watch the economy roar back from cheap energy; and elimination of command economy, greeny, marxist rules which ALWAYS create inefficiencies.

The ways into high inflation costs, too high for energy was obvious. So are the ways back to prosperities.

Nations are ruined by bad decisions and they grow by good policies. The madia of course is nutso anti-free markets and so of course, the whole thing ruins them.

cali, oregon, WA state, NYC and places round there have bad economies. High crime, high energy costs, food costs, etc.

In FL, TX, Alberta , CAN, they have low cost energy, and high prosperities. Drive South. Thank you, suzie boggess.


huntingteacher25 t1_iw874vj wrote

I’d love to debate you on many issues but from your other posts, facts do not drive your thought process.


Chewyninja69 t1_iw9phen wrote

I definitely want to stay away from anywhere near Florida. Place is a dumpster fire. And anyone who lives there, you have my condolences.