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catwhowalksbyhimself t1_ix23k3u wrote

They look a bit creepy with their white ghostly faces, but are really quite chill and harmless.


Dessamba_Redux t1_ix25916 wrote

Theyre very chill and cute. Theyre great at eating ticks and stuff like that too. Be kind to our derpy marsupial friends


mrdalo t1_ix27vy2 wrote

Turkeys are the true tick eating heroes


Kneph t1_ix2aruz wrote

We had Guinea Fowl that hung out with our turkeys. Those bastards were tick destroyers


SqrlyWrath t1_ix46hl5 wrote

In my experience turkeys tend to spread the ticks lol usually way more ticks in areas with turkeys


Stachemaster86 t1_ix2knw0 wrote

I knew they exist but damn, just outside of Minneapolis at my house saw one sneaking around. Can’t say I’ve seen a living one. Derpy does seem to be a fair term.


sid_raj7 t1_ix3mg7s wrote

Read that as eating dicks..

Was about to go adopt one.


HoodooSquad t1_ix3ciwh wrote

Chill? Are we talking about the same animal? They angry!


Conscious_Bend_7308 t1_ix3eajy wrote

They will show their teeth if they feel threatened, but they won't attack. Look up animal bites with your state's health dept and you won't find any opossums. They are more likely to roll over and play dead -- "play possum"


zachzsg t1_ix3h86h wrote

They’re also bigger in person than they look in pictures