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230flathead t1_iuxq7mv wrote

Heard it in an O'Reilly's training video once though.


TheExpandingMan23977 t1_iuxu1og wrote

Ah, the ol’ wait-for-a-cease-and-desist maneuver, classic


muskratboy t1_iuyibfk wrote

That's definitely in the "what are the odds anyone who cares is going to see this?" ballpark. I've been there many times.


bitofrock t1_iuy16na wrote licensing is pretty straightforward. And expensive if you don't do it properly.


[deleted] t1_iuy53sa wrote



bitofrock t1_iuzx1k7 wrote

So you're saying O'Reilly, a major publisher, decides to just wing it? On what basis?


AftyOfTheUK t1_iv1n2ct wrote

I don't know why you're being downvoted. Corporate sized companies like those have pretty strong compliance processes across the board.

Even using a font in an internal presentation generally requires some sort of signoff, or using only fonts from a pre-approved list. And that's not even in the publishing industry, that's pretty standard all over.


TrowAway2736 t1_iv1o7mx wrote

It was O'Reilly Auto Parts, not the publisher.


bitofrock t1_iv7bis8 wrote

They seem like a pretty big company. If they're winging it on music rights the bills are usually pretty impressive. I do work with image licensing and have seen bills for $5000 per image from Getty. They're vicious. I doubt music firms are any less generous.


bitofrock t1_iv7bmhw wrote

I guess because some people really need to live the idea that everything corporate is evil by default?


qpwoeor1235 t1_iuxxc7u wrote

Are we just gonna ignore the fact that we as a society have all but ignored Timbuk 1


PressureMuch5340 t1_iuxpjav wrote

Good for them, I feel like that's a pretty dignified move.


Analbox t1_iuxzcy8 wrote

Reminds me of how Jim Morrison of the Doors told band mates before he died not to put their music in ads. He was always passionately against that.

They’ve since honored his wishes and share his ethos about it. Imagine how much money they could have made though. Their sacrifice has kept the Doors music sacred and I love them for that.


c2srq t1_iuy1lnl wrote

Meanwhile, Led Zeppelin sold out to Cadillac.


Analbox t1_iuy2ezn wrote

I love them but they were always just a bunch of fuck boys.


bolanrox t1_iuxnzra wrote

well it is a no nuke protest song..


Hypertension123456 t1_iuxu2ut wrote

What better way to protest against the proliferation of devastating nuclear weapons than purchasing a Ford and signing up for the U.S. Army?


Jk2two t1_iuxwfsk wrote

Other than “I study nuclear science…” where is the anti nuke protest in the lyrics? Or is this what the band has said?


bolanrox t1_iuxy6l7 wrote

he has said the future was so bright because of nuclear holocausts. and the scientists are in high demand to make more bombs.


Jk2two t1_iuxyy2l wrote

Ha! Well, I know art can be abstract but… it’s hard to make a powerful statement if they’re being that vague.


bolanrox t1_iuxzevu wrote

they cut a bunch of the really dark stuff for being too obvious. though there are some versions out there (according to the wiki page).

Other not so obvious ones being: Everybody walk the Dinosaur, 99 Luft Balloons, and Melt with You.

They cannot all be as straight shooting with their message as Sun Ra.


Jk2two t1_iuy1hek wrote

Sure, but with the exception of anyone reading up on the song, everyone thinks it’s an upbeat song about graduation, world is your oyster kind of stuff. And while I appreciate their clout in denying the sellout now, they sold out long ago when they cut the more controversial stuff in order to be more radio-friendly…


TrowAway2736 t1_iuzc7ee wrote

No clue why you're getting downvoted; your points seem pretty valid to me.


Jk2two t1_iv0xedf wrote

It’s probably all of the guys in Timbuk 3


attorneyatslaw t1_iuxy59f wrote

They wound up cutting all the lyrics that made it clear what it was actually about.


JauntyTurtle t1_iuxy2qy wrote

It's what the writer of the song said. It's about a smart guy who studies physics and ends up building a bomb that wipes out humanity. (Most of that doesn't come out in the song, I'll grant you.) The thing that's so bright is the bomb going off.


GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_iuxw829 wrote

Lol i remember that episode vividly and is absolutely the only thing i remember about that show!


PomegranatePlanet t1_iuz8dn3 wrote

I know. I saw that episode when it aired originally and hated it. So, of course, that video haunts me.


qbande t1_iuz0p6c wrote

Had you not mentioned this show i would have forgotten it existed for the rest of my life.

EDIT: Also holy shit, Head of the Class starred Dan Schneider who got fired from Nickelodeon after making them a bunch of shows.

EDIT II: and motherfucking ARGYLE from Die Hard.


PomegranatePlanet t1_iuz8798 wrote

Don't forget Robin Givens, who married Mike Tyson.


qbande t1_iuz92wv wrote

and the current head of Nickelodeon. And a lady who apparently has over $100m due to smartly investing her income from the show.


Halvus_I t1_iv1uji6 wrote

Its been licensed for lots of movies and TV, just not direct commercials.


EndoExo t1_iuxu733 wrote

The Army using this song to recruit would be even worse than Wrangler using "Fortunate Son" to sell jeans. Or Mercedes Benz using Joplin's "Mercedes Benz". Or GM using "Little Pink Houses". Or Nike using "American Woman".


DavoTB t1_iuxvt37 wrote

Shows that the band members have a principle higher than just making money…


oldwatchlover t1_iuyphj6 wrote

Anybody who likes that song but does know any of their other stuff would do well to buy a couple of their albums.

Catchy music, outstanding wry lyrics, an all time underrated band.

I recommend:

  • A Hundred Lovers
  • Big Shot in the Dark

Or any others.

“If you are what you eat, then I’m dead meat”

So many great songs.

They (a married couple, band broke up when they divorced) also wrote some very romantic songs (“Easy”, “B side of Life”, “A Hundred Lovers”)


Sdog1981 t1_iuxzv8b wrote

They won a Grammy? TIL x2.


Blutarg t1_iuyjidj wrote

Good for them.


blowafuse t1_iuyplv9 wrote

TIL Bausch and lomb created ray-ban and sold it to luxottica in 1999!!! I thought luxottica created the brand! Mind blown. :o


CoolIceCreamCone t1_iuzjwse wrote

They used to play that song in commercial bumpers and vignettes for WWF in the 80s


66Hanuman99 t1_iuzxe0u wrote

Timbuk 4 won't make that same mistake ...


onelittleworld t1_iv14sgt wrote

While I appreciate their integrity, at the end of the day I have to question their judgment.

It's a pop song. Yes, its lyrics have a deeper social significance and everything, and its authors aren't motivated by wealth. Awesome. But go ahead and license it for to all comers for millions of bucks, then maybe take that money and feed some fucking homeless people?


PaxNova t1_iuxxmtx wrote

... why? Did it stop them from doing something else creative with it?


tayt087x t1_iuz7xq0 wrote

That's so fucking specific that I don't believe you e learned it. Like without looking, what was it again?