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longtimegoneMTGO t1_iy125uy wrote

I think the issue here may come down to terminology.

The physiological component here isn't really surprise, but conscious vs unconscious action. In short, as you start the action of letting go your body will automatically tense your muscles a bit in anticipation of the shock from releasing the bow string. Using a release device avoids that, you don't tense right before release because your muscles aren't aware that you are starting to release.

On a mental level you know to a pretty good degree of accuracy when the release is going to happen, but the exact moment is uncertain enough that you don't automatically tense in preparation for it.


Intensityintensifies t1_iy2km9a wrote

Personally the arrow randomly going off would create more of a reaction than the knowledge I was releasing it. Then again I’m super flinchy.


YellowGetRekt t1_iy2vkuz wrote

Well the reaction from the arrow going off randomly will be after its already fired and at that point the reaction doesnt matter