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Stonehard_gigachad t1_iy3yhmr wrote

Technically yes but, they admitted cross contact ingredients with dairy products and they filter sugar using bone char. According to oreo these two things alone make oreo technically not suitable for vegans. Oreo said this, I didn’t make it up. Google it.


cr1t1cal76 t1_iy4431a wrote

I can’t speak for all vegans, but when I ate a vegan diet, I didn’t care about foods that were potentially in contact with animal products. The point of the lifestyle choice (for me) is to decrease the demand for meat. I might be eating a fraction of a portion of beef when I eat an impossible whopper, but no beef is being bought or sold. So yes, there are plenty of vegans out there who can eat Oreos without a guilty conscience.


comradequiche t1_iy4s21r wrote

Yeah cross contamination is not something I really worry about as a vegan. Not something that’s going to “make or break” a particular food item for me.

I’m not allergic to animal products (where I’ll be sick simply from touching them), I just choose not to consume them.


Personal-Thought9453 t1_iy60gct wrote

Wine fined with egg/dairy/fish product, yay or nay? 😊


AccomplishedBasil700 t1_iy61cmm wrote

Not the person you asked, but I try to get wine that is vegan. My goal is to contribute as little as I can to the demand for animal products, and non vegan wine is part of that.


stantonstocky t1_iy40wiy wrote

Just chemicals, hallelujah!


SpillSplit t1_iy41bvl wrote

Burnt chemicals


KayWDubs t1_iy41k3w wrote

So... I'm not the only one who always found the taste of the cookies unpleasant?

There's just... Something off about it.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iy3zpg5 wrote

However, Guiness is not!


minervasbiggestfan t1_iy4d5fb wrote

It has been since 2018


Banea-Vaedr t1_iy4da2m wrote

No more fish guts in my beer I knew it tasted different :,(


GetsGold t1_iy78n8q wrote

I realize you might be joking, but just for your information, the fish guts weren't used in the original process of making Guinness, they were only used starting in the mid-19th century. It was done to save costs and they were filtered out, so not related to taste.


SurrealRareAvis t1_iy44ud4 wrote

Mmm yum, hydrogenated fats !


Oreo cookies used to be made with lard. And now they're kosher. Oreo cookies were made with lard until the mid-1990s, when Nabisco swapped the animal fat with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil

(NY Post)


[deleted] t1_iy7ze2m wrote

A lot better than the animal equilevant though.


Qnofputrescence1213 t1_iy4jg5b wrote

Girl Scout Thin Mints are vegan also.


comradequiche t1_iy4t1wu wrote

Really now? I had no idea!

Also found out after making my own at home that McDonalds apple pies are vegan in the US at least.


Electr0Girl t1_iy45prp wrote

Chase mentioned this on the episode of GMM I watched today, any chance OP is a Mythical Beast?


bethebumblebee OP t1_iy4616p wrote

Yes!!! I didn't expect someone to notice but again, there's millions of us! millions!


PoppyBee27 t1_iy4uca9 wrote

Came here to see if this was the case :) also heard on GMM today!


AccomplishedBasil700 t1_iy61ng4 wrote

I thought so too! It was annoying that they started off talking about “holier than thou” stuff, but it was a fun episode 😊


hgk89 t1_iy4e6ka wrote

only in the US right? i remember when i visited the UK there was dairy in the ingredients list


comradequiche t1_iy4t5lq wrote

Ah, that’s like how if I want to eat McDonald’s fries I can’t in my home country of the US, I have to go to another country to eat then haha


shortbarrelflamer t1_iy4p9i6 wrote

There's a little known secret about Oreos.

If you break them in half and shake them all the calories fall out!!


NotHappyTilUNotHappy t1_iy7720h wrote

I had a vegan friend stay with me for a week and that dude ate an entire box of Oreos one night. I asked him what that was all about and he immediately replied that he's not doing it for his health; He's doing it for the animals.


Cmdr_Redbeard t1_iy443sa wrote

As a brit, they are also a shite. Bourbons n custard creams are far superior.


TaffWolf t1_iy4993w wrote

Bourbons are also vegan and yes I whole heartedly agree


tryingtodefendhim t1_iy4n0p5 wrote

Yeah there is 100% dairy cross-contamination from their factory. Oreos are shit.


rhizomagic t1_iy40ao4 wrote

Not when they are dipped in delicious whole milk 😏


WanderlustFella t1_iy41qyp wrote

I guess I'm vegan...wait what do you mean milk isn't vegan, welp back to being an omnivore


Swarzsinne t1_iy3ybhq wrote

Since being vegan is more of a political thing than anything else, it seems counterproductive to support a product that probably boosts milk sales more than almost anything else.

Edit: I’m not vegan. The comment seems to imply I am, so I’m just clarifying.


giantdub49 t1_iy3zy80 wrote

I'm vegan and it's not because of politics 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


comradequiche t1_iy4soe1 wrote

Man, ive heard a lot of misconceptions about Veganism but never that it was “more of a political thing than anything else” haha


Swarzsinne t1_iy408ao wrote

So you still buy products from companies that aren’t vegan friendly?


KungFuGarbage t1_iy40rr5 wrote

Bro do you even know what political means? Or are you just a u.s conservative that uses it as a buzzword?


Swarzsinne t1_iy41uzr wrote

Read my other response to you. And I’m not sure what the point of the second half of your comment is other than to demonstrate you think there are actually good politicians.


KungFuGarbage t1_iy3zlpd wrote

Political isn’t the right word, Veganism is based around morality.

I’m also not a vegan


Swarzsinne t1_iy3zox1 wrote

Seems like a semantic point to me.


KungFuGarbage t1_iy3zzg3 wrote

I’m just clarifying your poor word choice. Your point about Oreos marketing itself along with milk is still valid.


Swarzsinne t1_iy404su wrote

Poor word choice to you.


KungFuGarbage t1_iy40b45 wrote

Lol okay buddy


Swarzsinne t1_iy414tw wrote

Just for the sake of actually clarifying, I say political because it influences which companies you’ll support and how you want legal policies to be developed. You can simply be vegetarian for moral reasons but if you’re going to promote it up to civic action that’s where veganism comes in.

I also say it’s semantics because which political issues are not also moral issues?

Edit: To the person that responded then blocked, stop being a coward. What’s the point of responding then blocking unless you think you don’t actually have a point?


ELDE8 t1_iy421cz wrote

Still doesn't mean political buddy, read a book


bingobangomonk t1_iy5599v wrote

Veganism doesn't require civic action, just not eating animal products. It's literally the same as vegetarianism on a political scale?


Swarzsinne t1_iy40dq2 wrote

I’m not your buddy, pal.


WerlinBall t1_iy40xel wrote

Kindly stop talking


Swarzsinne t1_iy41jyn wrote

Not the right response. And you can block me if you don’t want to see what I’m saying.


comradequiche t1_iy4shml wrote

“the practice of eating only food not derived from animals and typically of avoiding the use of other animal products.”

How is this political in any way lol