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pineappleshnapps t1_ix4k3tc wrote

She probably sued causes it’s Morgan freeman and he has money.


[deleted] t1_ix6cwty wrote



firesolstice t1_ix7x7m6 wrote

The fact that family sue their own family is another reason for why the US is a dumpster fire. this culture of sueing for every little thing is frankly utterly stupid.

Plus, if you are in the car knowing the driver has been drinking? You only have yourself to blame for letting a drunk driver actually drive the car.


iglidante t1_ix812pi wrote

>The fact that family sue their own family is another reason for why the US is a dumpster fire. this culture of sueing for every little thing is frankly utterly stupid.

It isn't really like that in my experience. Often the situation is created by the insurance industry. You get injured, are on the hook for a six-figure sum, and your insurance forces a suit because they would rather claw the money from another party than pay it themselves.


BrownBirdDiaries t1_ix55ehc wrote

No. Morgan has a reputation of drinking, from what I understand. My mother's lawyer was his best friend, Bill Luckett.
