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ChronBomb101 t1_iycla9t wrote

Pretty sure I knew about this because of Harry Mack, definitely worth checking out his freestyles. He's the GOAT


stovislove t1_iyclrei wrote

That's really interesting. Thanks


MacRubys t1_iycmw7m wrote

All well and good. However, plenty of people can think on their feet and put across what they intend, rappers aren't really an exclusive group there. Just a different version.


AstroBoySyaoran t1_iycpacu wrote

And Robin williams could do this at the same speed as rappers, in the sense of amout of words per second as a rapper can. Becuse if he could only deliver it at normal talking speed it would mean he has alot more time to think?


voucher420 t1_iycqxqt wrote

Even scientist be like “ how he do that?”


MacRubys t1_iycrne0 wrote

Well that just shows you know nothing about what you're talking about. rappers are now suddenly rapping at more than the speed of non rappers? It's about thinking on your feet in the situation you're in. Most of the participants of Whose Line could do the same. Not in the same league as Williams, which was aired, but still.


MacRubys t1_iycunfa wrote

It's not about words per minute. People can type that. Doesn't always make sense. As I said. Whose Line is it anyway proves that that rappers aren't the only quick thinkers, as the OP suggests.


michaelvsaucetookdmt t1_iyd5ly6 wrote

the fuck are you talking about? we dont have a “thinking on your feet” part of the brain. im pretty sure they were studying how they can access certain word associations so quickly or something like that. that skill is completely different from being able to solve an equation quickly for example


michaelvsaucetookdmt t1_iyd7alr wrote

actually ive seen a lot of his shit im just not a dick rider. the freestyling is impressive but its not like theres some interesting theme or message, its just a bunch of word play and random flexing. which is fine, but not “better than actual songs”


LilBone3 t1_iyd813d wrote

"Not a dick rider" ... Ok cool, but I'm not sure how it's dick riding to appreciate someone who is clearly talented. And I'm not really saying it's better than actual songs, sure it's better than a lot of songs but not storytelling. I'll give you that. But c'mon man, you've gotta admit he's damn good.


Expat1989 t1_iydg7ed wrote

Harry Mack! I’ve watched his Omegle Bars since episode 5. Every Friday like clockwork, the family new leave Dad alone for 25mins so he can enjoy the new session.

My wife surprised me for birthday earlier this year with a custom video from HMack. My boys called it our family song. The guy literally could lift the world if given the chance.


CerberusTheHunter t1_iydhbx0 wrote

Their prefrontal cortex was found to be abnormally fresh?

I figured it was something similar to what is seen in bardic poetry going back thousands of years. Certain patterns are adaptable enough to be about anything and using the right words can fit anything into the pattern.


bougienative t1_iydji2k wrote

Because you need to control your variables as tightly as possible in order to obtain any usable data.

And the moment they are trying to compare two different careers usage of the brain you are now doing a completely different experiment to aquire completely different data.

It doesn't read like they have an agenda, it reads like you don't understand the scientific method.


steve_dallasesq t1_iydkggh wrote

Doctors were confused when the research determined that their brains were exceptionally ill.


ElectronHick t1_iydlfqt wrote

I get what you are saying 100%.

Is Hmack good? Yes. Does he have talent? Yes. Is he impressive? Sure.

But his rhymes are shallow, and predictable which stems from the niche he has carved out for himself.

I have been listening to freestyle battles for the better part of two decades, because of this I know what words he is going to use and how he is going to tie them together from the get. The spontaneity and substance is missing, great freestylers can develop a narrative while also making up the lyrics, there is more to it than just braggadocios bars. There should be a cohesion that ties the whole thing together and not just trying to hit them with the next word. I remember when Em did his “any word” freestyle and I thought ‘sure that is dope, but it is missing something’ and compared to his other freestyles, it was.

Its a mismatched jigsaw puzzle that shared similar pieces with other mismatched jigsaw pieces. Instead of getting a good clear picture, you get a bunch of little pieces of a bunch of pictures that don’t form an cohesive image ^or ^song.


bicameral_mind t1_iydot49 wrote

Same, I've watched pretty much every video on his channel all the way through, some multiple times. His YouTube engagement numbers have to be off the charts given the length of his average videos and I know for a fact the vast majority of viewers watch the whole damn thing.


Beefsquatch_Gene t1_iydz4id wrote

Whose line is it anyways isn't improv. They've got a staff of writers and script producers, and each show is heavily edited to cut out the jokes that don't land.

It's a running joke amongst comedians that Whose Line is a well written show.


Deafwindow t1_iye84fz wrote

I think when he tries, like when he had to freestyle in front of Kendrick Lamar on a radio show that one time, Harry Mack can construct a freestyle of substance. But most of the time he isn't really putting all that much effort, which is quite impressive nonetheless.


ElectronHick t1_iyetmd8 wrote

I didn’t like his Kendrick freestyle that much, there is a few that I really enjoyed, but that isn’t one of them.

And upon re-reading my comment I feel like it was a bit too harsh on Hmack. I listen to his stuff regularly, and appreciate his skill. I also have heard some amazing freestyles that have some amazing punchlines that make me exclaim audibly, which he hasn’t done for me. I enjoy listening to him because he has a good time with the crowd he is with, and think he is a good dude who would be fun to hang out with, not because he is the best freestyler to exist.


absolutelyshafted t1_iyf1y7f wrote

Reminds me of something I read about Hindu scriptures and mythology from ancient times. None of them got written down until like 2nd Century BCE, meaning they were passed down orally from teacher to student despite being grotesquely long

For example The Mahabharata consists of over 200,000 individual verse line and long passages written in prose. The Ramayana is 24,000 verses.

Apparently the priests chant these verses in a very specific style of song/prayer and over time these get ingrained in the students heads. It’s the pattern and rhythm that really helps with memorization.

Therefore all the Hindu texts are preserved with almost perfect grammatical and tonal fidelity, to the point where we can easily learn the ancient Sanskrit language without much guessing or reconstruction