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SomewhatIntriguing t1_ixk9p42 wrote

Are they just taking the owner’s word for it? I’m doubtful


I_Sett t1_ixkiota wrote

There's this wonderful observation in Steven Austad's Why We Age book that goes along the lines of:

When researchers were first investigating the rural communities in far flung parts of the world where people lived an incredibly long time they almost all shared several features that might have contributed to the incredible longevity of the inhabitants:

  • The communities prized their elderly and in many cases they were the leadership of the group.
  • The communities were very isolated.
  • Records (such as of births) were not kept.

One elderly man was approached by researchers and interviewed at the impressive age of 120. He had even managed to reach the ripe old age of 130 when the researchers returned 5 years later.


The_Mouse_That_Jumps t1_ixkmatq wrote

That guy was my Zoology professor! I’ll have to pick up his book.


I_Sett t1_ixmu0n0 wrote

Nice! I've had lunch with him once when he was a visiting lecturer, seemed like a really interesting guy with a fascinating career. He has some excellent anecdotes to share, I bet he was a fun professor.


[deleted] t1_ixl0oog wrote



Alexstarfire t1_ixl2935 wrote

I believe the point of his statement went right over your head. You should take some lessons from Drax.


Stiffard t1_ixl5rc5 wrote

Gotta enjoy their response, though. It's classic Reddit ding-dongery.


hypotyposis t1_ixl92zf wrote

He went from 120 to 130 in five years according to the statement…


Odysseyan t1_ixlc6dk wrote

That's the joke. Also you don't get 10 years older in the span of 5 years


[deleted] t1_ixkpgy7 wrote

You’re doubting sciences ability to age an extremely common and well studied living animal? Interesting! In that case I’ve got some snake oil to sell you


SomewhatIntriguing t1_ixkpmrw wrote

So tell me, how do they accurately age a cat?

Edit: no response? I’m shocked!


shawnkfox t1_ixlahd5 wrote

Cut off the head and count the rings of course.


[deleted] t1_ixlwsqp wrote

Were you just staring at your phone waiting for me to respond? I went to bed buddy


SomewhatIntriguing t1_ixlx1uo wrote

Lol so did I pal. I just edited my comment right now and then you responded. Were you sitting there reloading the page waiting for my comment to change? 😂


[deleted] t1_ixlx83f wrote

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 good one!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


c0dizzl3 t1_ixkpvju wrote

That seems like it’s easily googleable.


SomewhatIntriguing t1_ixkpzd7 wrote

It’s not. Because it isn’t possible.


c0dizzl3 t1_ixkqf1v wrote

Are you being serious or are you trolling?


SomewhatIntriguing t1_ixkqlil wrote

I’m serious. If you believe you can accurately tell the age of a dead cat then please enlighten me and tell me how.


c0dizzl3 t1_ixkryof wrote

Bones. That’s all the effort I’m going to put in to explaining something to you that isn’t exactly a secret. Again buddy, Google is your friend.


SomewhatIntriguing t1_ixks4i8 wrote

Lol that’s what I thought. You have no fucking clue.


Ph0ton t1_ixl94z1 wrote

You're just blocked dude. For what it's worth, finding the age of most animals can only be done through inference. There are genetic methods being researched but currently there is no reliable quantitative method.


c0dizzl3 t1_ixksely wrote

Bless your heart. This is sad.
