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Cetun t1_iw1exre wrote

Well I think the explanation is two fold. First that Adam and Eve were perfect, therefore they lived much longer. You have other historical biblical figures living for well over 150 years, it stands to reason that Adam and Eve likely lived longer, it never says how old they are or when they die or even when they had children.

Second of all it doesn't say Adam and Even had only two children, only that Cain and Abel were two of their children. It could be Eve was popping them out every 9 months or something, it doesn't say she wasn't so maybe they had a couple hundred kids, some went to live in the land of Nod.

The ultra conservative view you will find very few clergy defend in the United States at least. Most say they are just stories to get a message across and to not take the whole 7 days to create earth and Garden of Eden thing literally, they are just stories to teach people important lessons about God and humanity.


Gewt92 t1_iw1ka43 wrote

It also doesn’t say God didn’t create other people


Cetun t1_iw2as1p wrote

Their reply to that would be "God created man not men"


Gewt92 t1_iw2wvj0 wrote

Yeah but after that it doesn’t say what he did


marmorset t1_iw4olq3 wrote

It is mentioned that Eve is the mother of mankind, which suggests that all people come from her, it's not just an honorary title. But Genesis also mentions that Adam and Eve have other children after Cain and Abel, it just doesn't mention what happens to them.


dr69ons6mur6i t1_iw241ha wrote

>Well I think the explanation is two fold. First that Adam and Eve were perfect, therefore they lived much longer. You have other historical biblical figures living for well over 150 years, it stands to reason that Adam and Eve likely lived longer, it never says how old they are or when they die or even when they had children.

>Second of all it doesn't say Adam and Even had only two children, only that Cain and Abel were two of their children. It could be Eve was popping them out every 9 months or something, it doesn't say she wasn't so maybe they had a couple hundred kids, some went to live in the land of Nod.

Genesis 5:3-5 says Adam was 130 when Eve gave birth to Seth who was born after Cain killed Abel, then lived for another 800 years fathering more children. It doesn’t say how long between their creation and when they were kicked out of the garden, but it’s reasonable to assume there was enough time between their exile and when Abel was killed they had time to knock boots a few times.