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WiredAndTeary t1_iwkkf6f wrote

Guess he was called William the Bastard for more than one reason then...


RosebudWhip t1_iwkljfh wrote

I guess William The Absolute C-Word wasn't quite as catchy


ganjsta t1_iwkvhcj wrote

It’s the internet. You can say cunt here.


RosebudWhip t1_iwkwgk5 wrote

I save my usage of it for special occasions.


My_Space_page t1_iwmdm2n wrote

I have a special card that gets punched every time I say it. One more time and I get a free soda.


Idyotec t1_iwmraxr wrote

So, wholesale slaughter of the inhabitants of the northern shires and the burning of homes, food, crops, tools, livestock so that the survivors would freeze and starve doesn't qualify? You're exceptionally lenient.


RIP_GF t1_iwnkwkj wrote

Tbh mass murder definitely constitutes cunt-status


Syklise t1_iwklqux wrote

Read the article. What he did made sense for the time.


Azeze1 t1_iwla9wz wrote

"The harrying of the North" it's called, I'm from the North and we still haven't forgiven those Southern bastards, the North remembers


cujodeludo t1_iwm4d8r wrote

You might have forgotten though that William I was a Norman invader with the Harrying taking place only three years after his initial conquest...

Or that the Northern aristocracy were Danish having fought a war against the English a few years prior. And that they invited the Danish King's armies to assist them who promptly raided and looted the coast.

Hardly Southern bastards vs the North of today, is it?

Besides, records show approximately 75% of the Northern population was killed or fled. It's far more likely you're one of those bastards than a Northern Anglo-Dane of a thousand years ago.


Azeze1 t1_iwmx850 wrote

Yer've made an enemy fer life!


Ugg-ugg t1_iwlf0ds wrote

Yeah, I don't think people are holding 1000 year grudges mate.

Edit: Seeing as I'm getting edgy throwaway comments, I'm not talking about the world, I'm talking about England.


dubamamorange t1_iwlisvz wrote

...the recorded history of human civilization has entered the chat


cupofteawithhoney t1_iwljl5k wrote

I’m guessing history and religious study weren’t your best subjects.


Ugg-ugg t1_iwlq3z6 wrote

Please, find me a study where people in the North of England are holding a grudge against the south because of a king 1000 years ago. If you ever tried anything more than being smarmy on the internet, you'd know that historians rely on facts and evidence.


HooShKab00sh t1_iwllh5r wrote

Ever heard of a place called Palestine?


Ugg-ugg t1_iwlpp9m wrote

Damn, I didn't know Palestine is in the North of England.


HooShKab00sh t1_iwlrea9 wrote

>Yeah, I don't think people are holding 1000 year grudges mate.

I'm illustrating that they do. What would make any other group of humans less susceptible to that, regardless of what they call their homeland?

That was my point.


Ugg-ugg t1_iwls48u wrote

The issue is that your example has had continuous developments since then. If everything happened in Palestine, once, 1000 years ago, people would have moved on. Which the event of OOP is talking about. Like I get what you mean, but we're talking different timelines.


grizzburger t1_iwlmyae wrote

Tell that to Slobodan Milošević, may he burn in hell.


Slurms_McKensei t1_iwlldth wrote

Clearly someone's never been to a mosque with Christian parents. Or even a black church with white Christian parents.


Davidrussell22 t1_iwlc1j4 wrote

We are genetically the same people today as these Normans. Civilization is a very thin veneer that is extremely fragile.


clyde2003 t1_iwnca6x wrote

Hell, grab a caveman from 100,000 years ago and bring him to the present. Throw him in a suit after a bath and a haircut and you've got yourself an average hedge fund manager.


Spaventoo t1_iwlu0i7 wrote

He must have really hated hobbits.


Gandzilla t1_iwmsnrm wrote

So what happens then? Land is Barren, House is destroyed.

In 20 years a young family moves onto the land from behind the hill and starts their own farm there?

100 years later it’s back to normal with only old stories and maybe some ruins about the destruction?


AnselaJonla OP t1_iwn9k0e wrote

There wouldn't be a family behind the hill. They'd have been killed too.

People would have moved back, over time. Lords would have convinced people to move to the northern countryside from the south and from cities like York which weren't devastated. People who managed to flee south - or north to Scotland - might have eventually returned because that's their home damnit, it's all they know and they're going to rebuild as best they can.

But it would have taken time. A lot of it.


darthbiscuit t1_iwkummm wrote

I read this as “Will.I.Am and was so fucking confused.


gecko090 t1_iwm0hry wrote

Will.I.Am which means William. And Apl.D.Ap means Apple Dibble Dap


AtebYngNghymraeg t1_iwmda0b wrote

You're going to tell me something amazing about Flo Rider next, aren't you?


Plastastic t1_iwmk1ju wrote

No you didn't, stop making shit up.


darthbiscuit t1_iwnn74p wrote

I glanced at your username and thought it said “Pussyelastic” and was not even a little confused.


ppitm t1_iwlw6cr wrote

Sounds like the northerners should have negotiated with him instead.



bawbagpuss t1_iwn8vcz wrote

yeah I'm kinda thinking don't give them any ideas, current government might like that cleansing


RedTheDopeKing t1_iwlq8k6 wrote

Can’t conquer without breaking a few eggs.


quartertopi t1_iwkla50 wrote

So, what Putin tries to imitate


marmorset t1_iwlb6ik wrote

They fucked around and found out.
