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vladthemegainhaler t1_ix8rfrk wrote

Visocica in Bosnia and Rtanj in Serbia are literally confused for mountains.


blatantninja t1_ix94lgc wrote

Because they are.


vladthemegainhaler t1_ix9akgs wrote

Nah. Semir Osmanagic already did his part to empirically overturn the religion of modern archeology with his work at Visocica. Modern archeology can only counter with ad hominem. Rtanj will be next. It’s amazing people still believe the granite at Giza was cut with copper chisels. Long past the time to break the chains of the Darwinian-Abrahamic-Google-Elon-Musk mind prison.


jojojoy t1_ix9ecw3 wrote

> the granite at Giza was cut with copper chisels

That's not something that archaeologists are generally arguing for though.


Finnder_ t1_ixawa6j wrote

Are you alright man?

I knew what I was looking for. Hey there's this dude in the balkans who claims this mountain is actually a pyramid. But it totally isn't.

Like it's a goofy idea. So I came down here, check you guys out, see who you all are what you guys say about it...
>Long past the time to break the chains of the Darwinian-Abrahamic-Google-Elon-Musk mind prison.

You're pretty deep on the crazy there end eh bud?


acebandaged t1_ixb6d91 wrote

Can't tell if this is a troll or a disturbed individual. That Visocica sun energy stuff is seriously batshit though.