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dblattack t1_ix9xbue wrote

I visited the great pyramid of Cholula. My friend and I woke up so hungover and made it to the lobby couch of our hotel where we passed out again. Eventually we wake up to our cab driver calling our names. We forgot we arranged him to come take us to the pyramid on our day off. We muster up the courage to go, stopping at a pharmacia along the way to get some meds. We get dropped off near the base of the pyramid and my friend immediately tells me he's gotta find a place to puke.

We find an outdoor washroom, each stall has a shower curtain as a door and you have to pay some pesos to get in. My friend pays the man who stands outside his shower curtain the entire time he pukes. Part way through puking, gun shots erupt, terrifying. Except these were not gun shots, they were fireworks from a top the pyramid, I can only imagine my friend's feelings at this moment.

We embark up the very long path of the pyramid, the air feels great and gets better the higher we go, helping with our hangover. We get to the top and there's a Spanish church there. Apparently the Spanish buried the entire pyramid and built a church a top to rid the original culture. We also paid a few pesos to go through the tunnels where you can actually see some of the buried pyramid. Outside the stones are so old and so well carved, I was impressed.

After making our way down and with nothing in particular to do we hear loud music bumping so we decided to walk that direction. All of a sudden we find ourselves in the middle of the Mexican independent day festival, the roads are closed and blankets and tarps are strung all across the street as make shift roofs.

There are all sorts of nick nak shops and food vendors everywhere. Most of the Mexicans were sipping on micheladas (beer, clamato and Tabasco) in giant American style cups. We were not daring enough for this but my friend tried horse meet and I tried the shrimp.

We walked for hours but I think my favorite memory was a 5 year old girl pushing a wheel barrel filled to the brim with some sort of fried caterpillars. It was a sight to be seen and major cultural shock.

We walked the festival up and down twice. This was still one of my favorite memories of Mexico. I love Peubla.


mongicom t1_ixbja6g wrote

The Spanish did not bury the pyramid. The pyramid was long abandoned and overgrown and looked like a hill to them. They had no idea it was a pyramid for centuries.


GuestAdventurous7586 t1_ixcope8 wrote

What an awesome story.

This makes me want to go on holiday and wake up hungover to go on some long, wandering peregrination amidst ancient culture and then more drunk later.


tanney t1_ixma8tp wrote

Greetings from Cholula Pueblo Mágico my friend!!!