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ovationman t1_ixskuwj wrote

It makes sense if you are young and healthy. There is no evidence that going and getting a checkup prevents disease or changes heath outcomes. If you have a chronic disease that needs to be managed then that is different.


DorisCrockford t1_ixsl7ys wrote

I'm not young, though, and I would hope my doctor knows that. I could really use a doctor to help me figure out which issues to take care of first, instead of randomly running from specialist to specialist. I generally wait until the pain is keeping me awake or making it impossible to function, because of the cost, but there are things like cancer that can get to a deadly stage before you even know they're there. I don't see why I'm supposed to be the one to figure this all out. Not sure why I have a GP in the first place if I never see him.


arbivark t1_ixspvgu wrote

getting an annual checkup is one of the easiest things to do to slightly extend your life. the others, like not smoking, or getting more sleep, are less convenient.


ovationman t1_ixslgp1 wrote

Can you not contact your doctor either by phone or online? Most of the time they can triage issues without seeing a person?


DorisCrockford t1_ixsn7zq wrote

I don't really think that's a substitute for an in-person visit, though. He needs the whole picture. I mean, sure, I could call him and give him a list, but I'd prefer to have someone to see once a year or so who can keep track.

I know someone who had a nearly fatal heart attack at 35. He didn't know he had heart disease at all, and he wasn't overweight or anything. That's the kind of shit you need a checkup for. The stuff you don't know about.

What I'd really like is a general orthopedist. I tried to get a referral from the guy who did my shoulder surgery last winter, but his tip didn't pan out. All my body parts have different doctors. The orthopedic institute doesn't have generalists, so I'll probably try my luck at the local hospital. I've had a lot of wear and tear in things are always breaking, so it would be best to have a home base, I think.