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driverofracecars t1_iyb205r wrote


absentmindedjwc t1_iyb544a wrote

Yeah - it prevents any memory retention until it wears off. People wake up in the operating room after a procedure, but they don't "wake up" until that amnesic wears off in recovery.


Fit_Access9631 t1_iybyg79 wrote

Sounds like bad rape drug for use in horror movies. Can’t imagine there’s a drug that actually exists that makes you unable to form memories.


absentmindedjwc t1_iyc2o0l wrote

The commonly known date rape drug flunitrazepam is the same category of drugs - a drug depressing neural activity, causing amnesia and loss of consciousness.

Given that it is far cheaper and easier to administer, I don't imagine it'll be replaced by this any time soon.