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sandrews1313 t1_iy1u0c2 wrote

Not exactly. It’s gas burners at the track switches. Nothing is burned…they’re just heaters.


Thor4269 t1_iy1yd7e wrote

>It’s gas burners

>Nothing is burned…

But it burns gas and it also doesn't!


T_Noctambulist t1_iy2db62 wrote

It burns gas, it doesn't burn the tracks. You don't say your car burns up the roads just because it burns gas in the engine. (burning up tires is something different!)


HotSalsaAssFire t1_iy2nj68 wrote

Tell me you’ve never gone 88mph without telling me you’ve never gone 88mph


solo1069 t1_iy2vb6m wrote

Guess they’ve never seen some serious shit.


IntelligentExcuse5 t1_iy41l7l wrote

I can just imagine the advertising slogan: " late for work? we are the only ones that can get you there before you set out"


Good_Mornin_Sunshine t1_iy3p41o wrote

It's actually quite damaging to the tracks, even if they don't melt or turn to ash. They only use this method in a couple of interlockings for this reason.

That said, it looks like the trains are driving through Hell and that's amazing.


BrokenEye3 t1_iy2t00u wrote

They said they set firevto the rails, not burn them.


movieball t1_iy26i9r wrote

There wouldn’t be fire if nothing is burned.