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Matigas_na_Saging t1_iwg2jat wrote

Not that guy but some ships have access to Satellite internet, usually 15$ per Gigabyte of data. Reasonable enough speed and it's guaranteed internet access except for a few "dead zones" that I presume satellites can't reach. So they could still surf the net and be entertained.

Smart ship captains are aware of the importance of keeping the spirits of the crew high, so during resupply they usually order an increased amount of stores so they could throw parties and make the crew feel a lot less isolated. Also karaoke + booze keeps the old sea dogs happy, at least in my observations.


MrchntMariner86 t1_iwiwhgb wrote

Most American ships have crew internet at no extra charge, but I do know a defunct comoany that started to charge their crew (before the company went belly up)

Also, US fleet is dry, thanks to the Exxon Valdez and its relevant legislation, OPA 90.