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Plonsky2 t1_j1ca1vp wrote

Dogs smell better than we do.


weavebot t1_j1cdqk4 wrote

Humans are actually ridiculously good at smelling petrichor, that earthy smell before it rains. We're better at detecting that smell than sharks are at detecting blood in water. Why, I have no idea.


Scoobydoomed t1_j1cbkqy wrote

Yep, a dog can pick up a scent from up to 12 (yes twelve!) miles away.


shodan13 t1_j1eqs55 wrote

Wouldn't the concentration matter way more than the distance?

I can also smell a forest fire 12 miles away..


Thatguy0096 t1_j1dkf8a wrote

Dogs can smell the time of a scent. Way more brain involved there. We can just identify more smells.


theythatspeak OP t1_j1ca875 wrote

Dogs have around 300 million scent receptors, which is why they have such an acute sense of smell. We smell more scents, but less acutely.


SignificantTrout t1_j1cvvlt wrote

They have far more scent receptors and larger parts of their brains dedicated to their use.


Scoobydoomed t1_j1cbnfj wrote

How did they test this? I don’t suppose they had people smell a million different scents?


theythatspeak OP t1_j1ccj84 wrote

The measure doesn't come from a smell test, it comes from how prolific the cellular bind sites are for the scent receptors. More of a "look at cells under a microscope and see what the receptor properties are" kind of thing and less of a guess and check by smelling stuff.


Gluten_Tolerant_2 t1_j1cclhe wrote

I honestly think most people don't bother to develop their sense of smell worth a dam. The majority of people couldn't smell the difference between types of Jelly beans vs wines or coffees


theythatspeak OP t1_j1cco8g wrote

Personally, my sense of smell is my least favorite sense. Freaks me out for some reason. Then again I have OCD


Dumb_Vampire_Girl t1_j1ccuui wrote

Imagine if our eyes and ears could hit the kind of range our noses can


dustin91 t1_j1cmq1m wrote

Not during allergy sewson


TheKnightsRider t1_j1cxfbo wrote

Who’s Allergy Sewson, some you went to school with? Like stig of the dump and flea bag?


Bcbulbchap t1_j1delh4 wrote

In terms of detecting and identifying different smells, can dogs recognise burning toast or leaking gas any better than humans can?

Mind you, I’d be unable to recognise any of my friends or family by sniffing their butts…


Eknoom t1_j1cc2hw wrote

Not with Covid they don’t!


backstage13 t1_j1ecwmd wrote

Something something yeah your Mom smells.