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beornegard t1_j0fhyn1 wrote

Show us 35K as a percentage of the total population, then compared to the total percentage who owns bunk beds, please. I bet a cod its about 0,003% on the first, and 0,043% on the second.


ash_274 t1_j0fmc83 wrote

Also: “emergency room treatment”. Kid falls and a reasonable parent takes them to the ER, even if there aren’t any obvious injuries or symptoms. A big majority of those would end up with “put some ice on it, don’t go to sleep for a few more hours, and quit jumping off the top bunk with a pillowcase ‘parachute’, because that’s not a thing.” Actual severe injuries from them are probably a few thousand per year, so safer than trampolines and most playgrounds, especially considering the kids are in contact with the bunk beds daily.


PermanentTrainDamage t1_j0gmw8p wrote

Sleep is actually good for concussions, just have a buddy to check for responsiveness every few hours.


GodOfChickens t1_j0lmvso wrote

Where is it normal to go to the emergency room for any old fall with no obvious injuries? Around here unless there's an obvious break or concussion, or the kid is obviously in extreme pain when a lesser injury would have begun to hurt less, then they would usually just keep an eye on them or book a doc appointment for something in the middle, and I live in the UK, I'd have thought people in the US (if that's where you are) would be even more resistant to getting a $$$$+ checkup at the ER for something that's going to happen to any kid dozens of times throughout their childhood, is a normal part of learning coordination, and for most kids never results in a serious injury?