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OddEpisode t1_j21vrk3 wrote

> Collodi’s moral is that you if you behave badly and do not obey adults, you will be bound, tortured, and killed

Makes sense that in the 19th century an adult having BTK fantasies about children would be celebrated.


wednesdayskillsme t1_j232nee wrote

The moral would be to get smart, not to obey adults. It is often showed in Pinocchio that adults are a thing to be aware of, a real and frequently met danger.

It's also shown how Pinocchio gets gradually smarter and start to think for himself, from believing the Fox and the Cat (the thing that led to his hanging) to learning to lie to the judge and tell him what he wants to hear.

Collodi wrote a cautionary tale for the poor masses of Italy and the message was to emancipate trough studying and rational thinking, or suffer the same fate Pinocchio suffered, that is to be dragged around by anyone with a little power, or to be robbed and swindled, reduced to an indentured servant.


Charlesfreck550 t1_j22rglo wrote

It's still true is some circles. Gangs, for example take on over whole communities, and have their very own rules, and will execute whole families for not adhering to the rules.
