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ZanyDelaney t1_j258dzn wrote

Yes I seem recall many instalments end on a cliff-hanger that seems impossible to get out of. The next instalment then quickly resolves that with a magical Deus ex Machina and we're off on a new adventure.

I do recall one especially disturbing segment where Pinocchio and his friend Lucignolo are turned into donkeys, separated, and sent to work doing different strenuous jobs. Pinocchio's owner tries to drown him to make his hide into a drum but Pinocchio emerges from the water and announces the fish ate away all the donkey parts. Pinocchio meets Lucignolo again later. Lucignolo is dying of exhaustion and Pinocchio takes on his work until Lucignolo dies.

I've seen clips from movies including the 2002 Roberto Benigni film (which Italians don't seem to hate as much as Americans) and it was obvious from just the clips that many moments from the original stories are simplified or even skipped entirely in adaptations.