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DoctorStrangeMD t1_j1m6h8o wrote

Sometimes bacteria is helpful and living in harmony. Sometimes bacteria is harmful and causing an infection.

We can in fact be colonized with MRSA and with Pseudomonas but they aren’t causing harm.

How can you tell? Well symptoms and by exam. If you have pain, swelling, pus it’s an infection. If the skin looks fine, then the bacteria is actually not doing anything.

MRSA can colonize the nares (nasal passages) and the skin.

Pseudomonas can be in the nose and throat as well.

Source- me; am a doctor and take care of these things daily.


AmbitionSpecialist t1_j1m9mf6 wrote

I have a family member that’s a nurse and used to do cultures at a family practice, and I remember them saying pseudomonas cultures can smell like grape.


DoctorStrangeMD t1_j1mqh95 wrote

Pseudomonas is interesting. It can cause some serious infections. Can be resistant to a lot of antibiotics. Can be associated with hot tubs. If you get a rash after going hot tub, it’s probably pseudomonas. Hot tub follicular is.


I-goes-to-eleven t1_j1olbvm wrote

Pseudomonas can be a bitch to get rid of once it’s in the wrong spot. It’s a tough bug and can take a longer than normal course of antibiotics. Definitely not harmless.


JerryFishSmith t1_j1neqwx wrote

I had pseudomonas in my ear for years {repeated infection due to a rare disease) and it varied from blocked drain to yeast to fruity. Really weird and really gross.


DoctorKynes t1_j1mwx5b wrote

It's less grape and more sickly sweet grape flavored soda. It's gnarly smelling in an infected wound.


Pattatilla t1_j1na7et wrote

All I could taste for 18 months was psuedomonas 'sweetness' because nothing would get rid of it. Gross!


Odd-Row9485 t1_j1mppla wrote

Can confirm. Have been infected by staphylococcus. Was told by my doctor everyone has it on their skin but not everyone gets infected by it, just the lucky ones!