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LukeyLeukocyte t1_j1na1p0 wrote

A luxury we allergy-free superhumans can enjoy. My inferior brother who is allergic to cats and dogs and pretty much everything with fur would cringe at the thought. I like to take a handful of fluff from my pomeranian mix and rub it all over my eyes..."Hey bro, does THIS bother you?"

My Pom has some poodle in him so he is delightfully hypoallergenic but I still like to torture my older brother. Really I should be holding him down and rubbing cats all over his face for all the years or torment and bullying I endured during his regime as the oldest brother :P


The_Queef_of_England t1_j1o0eqi wrote

> Really I should be holding him down and rubbing cats all over his face

Plenty of people would think you were unhinged, misbehaving and generally strange, but those people never had an older sibling.