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DickweedMcGee t1_j1wo5yd wrote

Is it because they died from the booze and smokes before they had a fair chance to get thyroid cancer, maybe?


ReturnOfCE t1_j1wv14v wrote

> Current smokers had a 36% lower risk of thyroid cancer compared to nonsmokers; risk was lower especially if they were also less than 65 years old.

Seems like they accounted for age


how-puhqueliar t1_j1yo63l wrote

wouldn't be much of a study if they didn't account for that


Plinio540 t1_j1yokgj wrote

"Heavy smokers and drinkers have a decreased chance of contracting all diseases!"


Syllabub-Virtual t1_j1wuk0e wrote

Exactly, correlation vs causation.


ReturnOfCE t1_j1wv51s wrote

Correlation doesn’t equal causation, but correlation can suggest causation.


CrestedBonedog t1_j1x0sgr wrote

Nicotine is a pretty potent anti-inflammatory chemical with some potential in treating both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, as well as ulcerative colitis.