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Chris_TO79 t1_j26te0b wrote

Huh, I didn't know that either! I always wondered a bit about the Martin Luther part of his name.


DickweedMcGee t1_j270t5i wrote

Makes perfects sense. ML's 95 Thesus was equivalent to MLK's peaceful civil rights protests. They both questioned social and legal boundaries that endure to enrich certain people at the expense of other's civil rights. And they were both met with threats of violence and murder. Somethings don't change apparently.....


PolyJuicedRedHead t1_j27tlh0 wrote

Just learned this in Steve Berry’s book The Bishop’s Pawn. The MLK parts of the book were the most interesting.


Ronbergs t1_j27xapz wrote

I had no idea 😲 thanks for sharing! MLK is a real hero. RIP King


Valharja t1_j28475f wrote

You know protestants are also most of Northern Europe right? Many of the ones going to America were further offshoots that thought the general public wasn't hardcore enough, but the ones staying were also protestant and continue to be so today.

Persecution was mainly during the breakaway from Catholicism until the nations themselves turned on Catholicism.

Everyone burned witches though you might wonder why the people broken on the wheel is somehow never mentioned :(


Valharja t1_j284e30 wrote

Damn, almost like he lived in the middle ages. Did he also hold poor views on womens rights and gay people perhaps as well? Did Mr Kings views on certain matters conflict with modern standards?

In certain time periods some wideheld (horrible) beliefs are sadly widespread, but that doesn't mean one should disregards anything anyone has said or done throughout the entire span of history


critfist t1_j28fpzy wrote

> Oh Protestants were the ones going around fucking murdering everyone and when told to stop it, went to America to be able to keep killing witches.

Bruh. There's ripping apart history and there's doing so because of reddit same think.

Importantly the protestants are an intensely varied group with dozens of creeds. Ranging from pacifists to millenarian militants. If you want an example of the pot calling the kettle black with said militants though, the catholic church is as well famous for persecuting people who were labelled witches, apostates, heretics, or any other seditious group.


FrazzleMind t1_j28k0s6 wrote

Don't worry, in a few hundred years if you are remembered whatsoever, it will be about what a monster you were for some belief you hold now that they don't then.

Never respect any historical figure, since they were all morally grey at best which is not acceptable for a human to be.


Maschinenwaffeleisen t1_j291w34 wrote

His antisemitism was much worse than the norm at the time and was widely criticised. Understanding the roots of German antisemitism is a big part of confronting the history of the Holocaust. One seems to be much less popular than the other.


Maschinenwaffeleisen t1_j2922j5 wrote

ITT uninformed Americans glorifying an outspoken antisemite who argued for the suppression of the masses and feudalism.

"The prevailing view[33] among historians is that Luther's anti-Jewish rhetoric contributed significantly to the development of antisemitism in Germany,[34] and in the 1930s and 1940s provided an ideal foundation for the Nazi Party's attacks on Jews"

Edit: My generalisation about "uninformed Americans" is propably unfair and deserves to be downvoted. Nonetheless, I remember a public discourse in Germany about Luther and his bad influences and I suspect that nothing of the sort happened in the US.


Moessenpay t1_j298nbe wrote

Arminius was also used as a symbol of German unity by the nazis. The way I see it tho, they don't have too much to do with the Holocaust to a big extent. If it wasn't for them, the Nazis would have looked at another anti-Semite, which were obviously not that rare back in the day.


Gold_Coyote_ t1_j2ahik8 wrote

He hated Jewish people, belittled Rosa parks because she was a woman and beat his wife on several occasions. I don't have the proof but you can find it easily enough. Asshole.


Kowalski_Analysis t1_j2al6da wrote

A cynical political leader would see antisemitism as a tool to get the support of idiots. That wasn't the case here. He started off thinking he could recruit Jews, then gave up and turned against them when that didn't work. This guy founded all of protestantism as it exists today so that baggage was built in from the foundation.


FrazzleMind t1_j2awvyy wrote

Well whatever it is that people are right about that you aren't today, be prepared for anything good about your life to be wiped away with whatever moral failing you and everyone around you don't understand.

You might cure cancer, but you also ate meat and had a pet dog and didn't even buy a hybrid right away, so you're fairly evil over all.


supmandude t1_j2axdit wrote

Good. You think I’d give a shit when I’m dead? If human morality has improved to the point that the life I’ve lived is looked at as monstrous, that’d be great! Luckily for me, I’ve never written diatribes defending the evils that still exist in our society as morally good, so the odds of me being singled out are slim, unlike Mr. “I Want To Do The Holocaust” Man.


FrazzleMind t1_j2az9zd wrote

>Luckily for me, I’ve never written diatribes defending the evils that still exist in our society as morally good, so the odds of me being singled out are slim, unlike Mr. “I Want To Do The Holocaust” Man.

So it's ok to be a piece of shit as long as you are quiet and small scale enough to not be remembered in particular. So that people won't know you to judge you only by the parts you were wrong about.


supmandude t1_j2azxkr wrote

Why are you so amped to defend someone that inspired the Holocaust? I never did that and I think you know that. The problem is that he inspired evil that lasted far beyond his lifetime. That’s what makes him a particularly evil piece of shit.

But I don’t even care, if you find an example of someone that was great in other areas, but that there’s some evidence that they hated the Jews, by all means, judge the shit out of them. I will. I hold people from all time periods to the same moral standards. I hope people do the same for me after I die. I could not welcome it any more than I do.


FrazzleMind t1_j2b5u4x wrote

Because you are completely blowing off every good thing he did or was responsible for. He wrote hateful shit that other later hateful people liked, and THOSE PEOPLE did bad shit with a whole lot of imagination and effort on their part.

He also was a major figure who struck a blow against a repressive and corrupt religious/political institution and the movement he inspired led to many of the ideas that form the foundation of liberalism (you know, individual people having rights because they are people?) which is the foundation of the moral philosophy you are adhering to and using to demonize him?

It's absolutely absurd what you expect of people.