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Additional_Meeting_2 t1_j0rx3dk wrote

That is not what was said. What was said was that she did not have inherited wealth from her father’s side.


thumpthumpboom t1_j0rxmm9 wrote

I love how you’re acting as if having the Barrymore name isn’t instant wealth. That like saying a Rockefeller is self made or they made their own money. What a joke.


khaos_kyle t1_j0snm2c wrote

Wierd, my last name is Smith, but Will Smith being famous didn't help me at all.


thumpthumpboom t1_j0spy62 wrote

A very literal take on my point. Nepotism only works if you share blood Mr.Smith.

And by share I don’t mean like sharing a glass of warm blood at the dinner table. I mean share genetic material.


khaos_kyle t1_j0st3w8 wrote

I was never able to get Mr Smith to answer the phone so I won't be using that one
