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Legal_Refuse t1_j1uusqo wrote

Fire extinguishers are AMAZING. Had a grease fire my first Thanksgiving after my goose baking dish leaked in my oven. 5 mins from being done and my oven erupted in flames. Luckily I had purchased a fire extinguisher. It ruined the meal but saved my house and oven. BUY ONE NOW. (Check it regularly too they do go bad)


thisusedyet t1_j1v317h wrote

To be fair, goose flambé sounds like it was ruined before you applied the CO2 sauce


Zenmedic t1_j1weexa wrote

I've always found dry chem to be a better pairing with goose. I save my CO2 for beef and lamb.


[deleted] t1_j1v9fot wrote



thisusedyet t1_j1v9z3w wrote

Ah, I thought the goose itself was up in flames.

Happened to my grandmother once when she was cooking lamb.

(The lamb was up in flames, there was no goose involved)


rushingkar t1_j1vc07p wrote

>there was no goose involved

Maybe that was the problem


thisusedyet t1_j1vg1q6 wrote

Don’t see how it would have helped. Geese suck at cooking


GRUNDLE_GOBLIN t1_j1vb2cm wrote

Fires in the oven aren’t too crazy, they look scary but if you keep the door closed they will suffocate themselves.


ledow t1_j1vnu4g wrote

Yeah the big sealed metal box that's expressly designed to get hot is the best fire extinguisher of them all.

It's why you should have a cooker cut-off switch away from the cooker so you can turn it off without risking yourself and then just let it burn out.


picklefluffer t1_j1w1461 wrote

Run away and switch off all the breakers


biffNicholson t1_j1waf55 wrote

Just to ask the question. hypothetically, if the oven had a convection feature turned on, is that fan just moving the air around the ovemn? or introducing outside air? if outside air., I imagine it would just feed a fire in this case. but Im guess, no outside air is introduced to the oven. Perhaps a reddit oven pro can fill me in?


TokyoTurtle t1_j1yhc3r wrote

In practical terms, introducing fresh air means that the OvenU needs to heat it (requiring energy). You'd also need a definite exhaust path for the (quite hot) air. For a standalone cooker, that would heat the kitchen in short order. For these two reasons it makes sense that they'd be a closed systen.