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PM_ur_Rump t1_j1v10gl wrote

A fire extinguisher either puts out the fire in seconds or it doesn't. If you need more than a few seconds to put out a fire, it's already totally out of control until real fire suppression measures get there, and even then it's generally more of a "prevent spread" thing.

10 seconds is a long time in an emergency. Count ten-mississippis and imagine you're trying to put out a fire.

I've used extinguishers multiple times, and it's usually a couple quick one second bursts to knock the fire out, followed by emptying the thing to be sure it stays out.


thisusedyet t1_j1v3by2 wrote

Seconding what this guy said. If you empty an extinguisher and the fire’s not out, you should’ve been running in the first place


rtpkickballer OP t1_j1wzery wrote

This makes sense. I should probably buy a little one just to get a feel for it. I’ve never sprayed one before so I’m happy thinking I may be underestimating the effectiveness.


adamcoe t1_j1xe7ac wrote

If you go to any fire hall, there's a very decent chance they'll let you blast an extinguisher on something. In many cases (if they have the facilities) they'll even light something up for you and let you put it out. Lots of fire halls do this sort of thing for like, the Boy Scouts or school trips and crap, and most any firefighter will be delighted to show you proper technique and whatnot. Honestly I think every school age kid should get a trip to the local fire hall every so often and get their hands on a real extinguisher, so they're familiar and realize what they're all about, what they can and can't do.


rtpkickballer OP t1_j1xn1jt wrote

I might actually look into this. That’s a really good idea especially if I can get a group involved.


adamcoe t1_j22a9zb wrote

100 percent an awesome idea. As I say, most every fire hall will be more than happy to show anyone who wants to know how to fight a small fire with the tools they're likely to have around them at home or work.