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[deleted] t1_izmlw6e wrote



pango3001 OP t1_izmnnig wrote

Two legs with 5 beats must've weird.


[deleted] t1_izmpnvn wrote



MuadDave t1_iznxwsv wrote

How would you like 5/4 with triplets? Listen to the drums and then the brass around 1:20.


SplendidPunkinButter t1_izotlfh wrote

We did the offertory from Leonard Bernstein’s Mass when I was in marching band, which is in 3/8+3/4. Basically you’d do one slow step for the 3/8 measure, then three fast steps for the 3/4 measure. So it was a slow/fast/fast/fast pattern that still added up to 4 steps every 2 measures.


SweetNeo85 t1_iznj9dg wrote

Just like dancing the jitterbug.


BizzyM t1_iznl8qo wrote


2Sp00kyAndN0ped t1_iznybzp wrote

The loop doesn't line up with the timing from the previous loop. I don't know what to think. Is the 1hr loop supposed to be a torture? If so, the fucked up loop is perfect.


SimpleSalami1965 t1_iznocd1 wrote

Thanks for the reminder that anti-abortion activists appropriated the "CHOOSE LIFE" slogan from George Michael.


BizzyM t1_iznpd7k wrote

Yeah, well, at least we reappropriated "Proud Boys".


justeffnestle t1_izny7te wrote

"Activists" implies they're fighting for people's rights. They're not activists, they're just fascists.


SimpleSalami1965 t1_izoluqi wrote

I'm not sure why you got downvoted for a similar sentiment to the one I expressed. Reddit's fickle.


IndividualRule9488 t1_izoptb4 wrote

Because fascism is a specific group which doesnt apply to people who just have different beliefs than you.


justeffnestle t1_izplqdy wrote

Denying people bodily autonomy is a key aspect of fascism...


IndividualRule9488 t1_izpnljh wrote

What you call denying, i call proof that not all people think alike, take muslim culture for example. Ive talked to people in iran and they literally bully women and kill women if they have sex with men without seeking for a marriage. If im looking at whether i get no abortion rights, or get fucking killed because i slept with few too many people, im taking the lack of abortion.


justeffnestle t1_izpqbw1 wrote

So as long as someone somewhere has it worse than you, you don't need rights? What a fucking stupid take.


IndividualRule9488 t1_izpnpjf wrote

They "slut-shame" women, something that if you did in america youd be "cancelled" for.


SimpleSalami1965 t1_izoqbp7 wrote

Fair enough. Some (I'd like to say "many") anti-abortion activists are also fascists, and their approach to their anti-abortion activities borrow from fascist philosophy, but it is not true that anti-abortion activism in itself is a fascist thing.


IndividualRule9488 t1_izq34yw wrote

Well as we saw with the other guy, who commented "what a shit fucking take" or whatever the fuck, deleted his account. I cant understand why people dont just talk out their feelings anymore rather than get pissed off because someone's take is different. Which was my exact point throughout my discourse with them. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, people who are Christians do not like abortion. Their religion is against murder which can be said that you are killing/murdering a baby that hasnt been born yet. Its all semantics but in my eyes whichever side has the most votes wins, its not about what one specific group of people want but about what the majority of the US' population agrees on.


SimpleSalami1965 t1_izq4cch wrote

He didn't delete his account. If his comments show as deleted to you, that means he blocked you.


IndividualRule9488 t1_izq6vq0 wrote

Lmao thats even funnier


SimpleSalami1965 t1_izq7zko wrote

I don't see that as funny. You yourself were lamenting the inability of people to talk through their feelings, why should you celebrate the ending of a discourse?


IndividualRule9488 t1_izq8ecr wrote

Because when you start a public discourse it usually lasts about that length of time, and usually ends in either an agreement, or an agreement to disagree. With people like that nobody can have opinions of their own. I find it "funny" because of the fact that i myself suffer from a disorder that makes it where i cannot argue my own case from time to time due to my lack of ability to string words together as seamlessly as others. When people talk shit and get all pissy, that is fine to me. But when you decide "im going to block such and such because their views are different than mine", it brings it into a whole different ballfield.


Exeunter t1_izndxg6 wrote

The Terminator theme song (13/16 time signature) is also pretty darn unmarchable.


ipslne t1_iznqf3g wrote

Played piano for eleven years and I still don't truly understand time signatures.


Sumom0 t1_iznyt20 wrote

I've played drums for 11 years, and i still don't truly understand mixolydian scales


novemberdown t1_izoa3bd wrote

Play a major scale. Take the seventh note and lower it a half step. Mixolydian scale. Bada bing bada boom.


Akuuntus t1_izoa1qe wrote

You know what a sixteenth-note is, right? 13/16 time means that there's 13 sixteenth-notes in each measure.


MHath t1_izqxe8s wrote

I don't even know what part of time signatures would possibly be confusing.


tgrantt t1_izo4fyc wrote

What the hell?! 300 BPM?


boricimo t1_izodby9 wrote

You gotta play it fast and with terror: like the Terminators are about to get you.


gramathy t1_izvfbz6 wrote

It’s took me a bit to catch the last beat, it really sounds like 6/8 but with a little hitch at the end


rocksfly t1_izn4gof wrote

Is this the fight song you play when your team is down by 4 touchdowns?


Ilwrath t1_iznk14o wrote

4? Hell, I know a guy scored 4 touchdowns in one game back at Polk High


ManOfWarts t1_iznqo0t wrote

Such a family man he is!!

Heard he can recommend some good shoes too


THE_some_guy t1_izngn5d wrote

We played the theme from Underdog in similar situations.


MrMitchWeaver t1_iznr3vl wrote

Huh I never noticed it was 5/4 until now. I always assumed it was something with 8 beats.


iAdjunct t1_izo222s wrote

Better than 7/8.


Captain-Cadabra t1_izoa38a wrote


iAdjunct t1_izokjw6 wrote

Gotta hand it to them on the name of that song...


weltschmerz-wanderer t1_izpd2ty wrote

I find 11 is usually easier than a lot of other odd time signatures because it usually ends up subdividing like "3+3+3+2" or "4+4+3" and rather than changing the time signature every 3-4 measures they transcribe into 11. 7 is almost always annoying and hard to find the downbeat if you get lost.

Oh and also...


PopeLandoII t1_izohmmj wrote

It was our high school band's marching tune well into the 1980s.


whiffitgood t1_izq66m0 wrote

if you struggle with alternating which limb you're leading the 1 with... maybe music isn't the best hobby


MechanicalHorse t1_izmlhbj wrote

Holy shit, that's actually really interesting!


pango3001 OP t1_izmnofo wrote

I thought the same thing.


CPGFL t1_izo3fpz wrote

I just saw a YouTube vid about this, maybe we saw the same one!


Icy_Statement_2410 t1_izmjhth wrote

I just thought it was in 5/8 to be cool


pango3001 OP t1_izmmhvj wrote

5/4 but really it's the same thing except where the beat is felt is how it's written.


Moose_is_optional t1_izmt4uz wrote

For those of you like me who couldn't conjure up the theme in your mind no matter how much you tried:


e-rekt-ion t1_iznigff wrote

Thanks - somehow my brain just went to the Limp Bizkit version


winningjenny t1_izns3ta wrote

I'm embarrassed to say I was humming it trying to hear the beat described and not getting it because I was humming Limp Bizkit's.


ArkyBeagle t1_izp19tt wrote

That made me sad. A very public admission they can't do 5/4.


FinishFew1701 t1_izo86vz wrote

I have always liked this version better. I'm willing to bet you've heard it, tapped your toes to it and have a memory surrounding it. Impressive how people sleep on this:



SlashLDash7 t1_izmoewe wrote

Kinda like YYZ


NBAccount t1_iznmvcw wrote

First of all, it's Y, Y, Zed.


fragbert66 t1_iznve8z wrote

And second of all, no...I can't get it. Impossible.


rtyuik7 t1_izo0h2h wrote

you correcting him implies that you would normally pronounce 'Z' as "zee"...otherwise, you wouldve just read it as "zed" anyway...


NBAccount t1_izo2jht wrote's a quote from a show called Archer.


rtyuik7 t1_izo397k wrote


...well it just looks silly through text, to me, so i wanted to say something :-P


aurinxki t1_izmqt8y wrote

It made me very happy when I learned this


equack t1_izo0bwi wrote

For others: YYZ is a Rush song. The letters are the callsign of the Toronto airport.


Syric t1_izo44r9 wrote

And the rhythm of the main riff is derived from the Morse code for "YYZ".



Slice1358 t1_izmhqe0 wrote

very cool
...- . .-. -.-- / -.-. --- --- .-..


DresdenPI t1_iznpj3p wrote

.-- .... .- - / - .... . / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / -.. .. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / .--- ..- ... - / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / ... .- -.-- / .- -... --- ..- - / -- . --..-- / -.-- --- ..- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / -... .. - -.-. .... ..--.. / .. .----. .-.. .-.. / .... .- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / .. / --. .-. .- -.. ..- .- - . -.. / - --- .--. / --- ..-. / -- -.-- / -.-. .-.. .- ... ... / .. -. / - .... . / -. .- ...- -.-- / ... . .- .-.. ... --..-- / .- -. -.. / .. .----. ...- . / -... . . -. / .. -. ...- --- .-.. ...- . -.. / .. -. / -. ..- -- . .-. --- ..- ... / ... . -.-. .-. . - / .-. .- .. -.. ... / --- -. / .- .-.. -....- --.- ..- .- . -.. .- --..-- / .- -. -.. / .. / .... .- ...- . / --- ...- . .-. / ...-- ----- ----- / -.-. --- -. ..-. .. .-. -- . -.. / -.- .. .-.. .-.. ... .-.-.- / .. / .- -- / - .-. .- .. -. . -.. / .. -. / --. --- .-. .. .-.. .-.. .- / .-- .- .-. ..-. .- .-. . / .- -. -.. / .. .----. -- / - .... . / - --- .--. / ... -. .. .--. . .-. / .. -. / - .... . / . -. - 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ZanyDelaney t1_izmpdx6 wrote

The original series was ace. Like Thunderbirds, each episode opened with quick cut highlights of the episode to come played with the cool opening tune.


20127010603170562316 t1_izn14qe wrote

That's interesting, as it's a technique I've used in some video projects. I called it "frontloading", and it's not an original technique, but interesting it goes back so far.


Ph33rDensetsu t1_iznlgz4 wrote

I call it "spoilers" and it drives me crazy. The new Bleach anime does this.


VeryJoyfulHeart59 t1_izor2lp wrote

I don't like it because when the video finally gets around to that point, it makes me think I've bumped the process bar and sent myself back to the beginning.


1969-InTheSunshine t1_iznl3gt wrote

Seems like every YouTube reaction channel uses it these days


20127010603170562316 t1_iznldkm wrote

Not a reaction channel, but yeah, it does seem to work.

Giving people a taste within the first 20 seconds seems to result in longer average watch time 🤷‍♀️


kent_eh t1_iznyhk6 wrote

Youtubers in general are doing it more these days, and they are doing it because it helps improve viewer retention compared to a more "traditional" intro.


20127010603170562316 t1_izo9lg9 wrote

Why do you think this is? Is there a psychological reason?

If I give you a spoonful of the treat now, does that make you want more later?

My videos can be quite boring (abandoned military stuff etc.) and long, so offering the taste maybe gives the viewer something to look forward to?

Honestly curious.


kent_eh t1_izofs9g wrote

People simply want you to get to the point and not waffle on about things that aren't relevant to the topic of the video.

Nobody cares that "it's ya boyee" or that this is "another video from my channel", and they certainly don't want to hear begging for "likecommentsubscribe" before being shown anything relevant to their interests.

And returning viewers have already seen that flashy animated graphic, it doesn't add anything to their enjoyment of your video - they came here for the content, not the filler.


The teaser intro reassures them that this video is going to be about what they are interested in, so they're less likely to bail out early.


20127010603170562316 t1_izogfjc wrote

Cool, thanks. I agree.

Showing a couple of cool moments in the first 10s reassure the viewer that those cool moments are coming up.



ja2ke t1_izoiy68 wrote

For some other examples: Battlestar Galactica (original and new series), Murder She Wrote, Space: 1999, Magnum PI all do this as well. It was a popular “stay tuned to this show!” technique from the 60s through the early 80s.


Maklite t1_iznvn3z wrote

The movies also have this, with the exception of 2 and 3.


AtebYngNghymraeg t1_izmxzqc wrote

The entire theme tune to the British series "some mother's do 'av 'em" is in Morse code, spelling out the title.

Also, the series Inspector Morse spells out Morse.


krista t1_izmoml2 wrote

rush's song, ”yyz” (pronounced 'why why zed') has a morse code intro and beat, spelling out y-y-z, which is the airport code of their home town. they would hear this coming from the cockpit returning home from tour, so they made a song from it.

rush- yyz


whiffitgood t1_izq6c56 wrote

shout out to my dear sweet, simple girlfriend for hearing Opeth's Deliverance and thinking it was YYZ.


ZorroMeansFox t1_izmr50j wrote

Yes; all hail Lalo Schifrin. I've always had a soft spot for Theme Songs featuring bongos.


249ba36000029bbe9749 t1_izo7d2t wrote

I hope Lalo has been living comfortably off of residuals from that theme song. You make a theme song that iconic, you deserve it.


ArkyBeagle t1_izp1ifz wrote

Mike Post has interview/oral history stuff on YouTube. Fascinating guy. His career was a lot an accident. I wanted to be Mike Post when I grew up.


PM_ME_UR_REDPANDAS t1_izpptzz wrote

He also did the theme for Mannix, the 1970’s private eye series with Mike Connors.


ZorroMeansFox t1_izqr835 wrote

Yes; and Lalo's connection which led to him getting this gig is that the Mission: Impossible TV series was created by the same guy who created Mannix, Bruce Geller.

I've always thought the fly Theme Music to Mannix was the best thing about that show. The rest of the show's music (especially when diegetic) wasn't composed or chosen by Lalo, and it was almost always embarrassingly the opposite of "hip/cool." And that was also true of Mike Connor's character, who thought of himself as suave and irresistible to the babes, but who always came off like someone's dad trying lame moves and smarmy pick-up lines.

I've come to believe that Mannix might be the worst TV detective ever. He took forever to figure out what was going on, even when utterly obvious, he was caught off-guard and jumped almost every episode, he loses most of his fights, his secretary Peggy does most of the investigative heavy lifting, his physical acting always looked stiffly robotic, and he's terrible at trying to make the hard-boiled noir dialogue he's saddled-with sound convincing. Oddly, I've seen Connors in lots of other roles before he became Mannix, and he almost always played the heavy. And he was terrific as a bad guy. But it's leading man parts in a hit series that pay the bills.

A friend of mine had an old classic copy of Mad Magazine from the early '70s, when they parodied the show. They called it Mannuhx, because about the only acting trick Connors seemed to have was adding pauses punctuated by "uh" to give his line-readings some gravitas. Once I read that parody, I've never been able to watch the show without counting all his "uhs."


PM_ME_UR_REDPANDAS t1_izqu9nq wrote

I never paid attention to the “uh”s, but I definitely will (I’m sure now that you’ve pointed it out I won’t be able to un-hear them all, lol).

I think one private eye who was definitely worse than Mannix was Barnaby Jones, though. If Peggy did all the legwork for Mannix, Betty and JR (or whatever his name was) definitely did all the heavy lifting for Barnaby.

But the early to mid 70s was the time they were churning out cop/private eye shows like crazy, so yeah, some were bound to be better than others.


ZorroMeansFox t1_izqvwf7 wrote

I think Barnaby was a very solid investigator, and maybe the only TV detective to have his own in-office Forensics Lab, which he operated himself.

But that show went into a tailspin in the later seasons when they brought in J.R. to appeal to the youngins and do some running around and athletic moves that Buddy Ebsen (Jed from The Beverly Hillbillies and the original Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz! *) was getting too old to pull off (although he did retain a surprising amount of athleticism, probably because he had a lean, trained dancer's body). But Mark Shera as J.R. might be the single worst actor I've ever seen in a starring part on TV. He's a charisma black hole and seemed less believable than the gang in Scooby-Doo's Mystery Team.

(*Note: Ebsen was originally cast as The Tin Man, but had to be replaced almost immediately by Jack Haley, because Buddy got very sick from breathing the aluminum dust in the character's metallic makeup.)


PM_ME_UR_REDPANDAS t1_izqwj9z wrote

Oh, wow, I never knew Ebsen was cast as the Tin Man!

I must have mostly seen the later episodes because I don’t remember Barnaby without JR.


ZorroMeansFox t1_izqxdqy wrote

Yeah, the J.R. character was only introduced in the final years. Until then, Buddy was more of a folksy Sherlock Holmes-style intuitive/scientific detective who was a marksman with a pistol.


HomarusSimpson t1_izrnx37 wrote

there was a TIL a couple of days ago, the player was Emil Richards, who also played the xylophone on the Simpsons theme and the original Addams Family finger snaps

A life well lived


BobDaBilda t1_izmutv8 wrote

I've got the Cowboy Bebop theme stuck in my head instead, and can't remember this one.


Lurker_931 t1_izmus7g wrote

I always wonder if they just decided to use 5/4 because it sounded cool and then they're like "oh of course...Morse code... Totally intentional, didn't think you'd catch that"


krichuvisz t1_izn1g20 wrote

if you do long long short short with regular 4th and 8th notes, you get a nice country waltz. So somebody tried dotted quarters and regular quarters and here we go.


Rit_Zien t1_izn1sr7 wrote

This is why I know four whole letters in Morse code. Can't think of anything interesting I can spell with S,O,M,I though. If I learn T, I can spell moist 🤷‍♀️


davebees t1_izn6bxz wrote

easy one. T is –

you can spell moist


Crystal_Doorknob t1_iznjn66 wrote

Oooh! Fifty years ago I was in girl scouts and learned this mnemonic for some morse code letters:

Enemy Is Secretly Hiding


Take Morse Orders

E, I, S, H are . .. ... .... (dit, ditdit, ditditdit, ditditditdit)

T, M, O are - -- --- (dah, dahdah, dahdahdah)

Therefore, about the only thing I can remember from my Girl Scout days is how to bang out the word SHIT in morse code.


hannabarberaisawhore t1_iznx79c wrote

The only thing I know in sign language is how to spell whore.
….And now I just remembered my username. Fitting.


flaquito_ t1_iznu5ra wrote

V is di-di-di-dah, which sounds just like the opening phrase of Beethoven's 5th (or V) symphony.


MrMitchWeaver t1_iznrixm wrote

Miso. You can order miso soup in Morse code now. You're welcome.


bulakenyo1980 t1_izn2pmh wrote


IIRC, the old Nokia telephone’s text message alert sound,

. . . - - . . .

Spells S M S in Morse code.


EternamD t1_izn38vj wrote

get is it is iconic beat


SandysBurner t1_izn3l1z wrote

The title music from QI has a website written in Morse code hidden in the melody.


bolanrox t1_izne89t wrote

In 5/4 like YYZ


justasmalltowndad t1_iznfntk wrote

Admit it, you said "long long short short" to the MI tune...


skolsuper t1_izo6tw4 wrote

Check out the morse code for SMS:

dotdotdot dashdash dotdotdot

Now think back to the text message notification sound on old Nokia phones...


00134 t1_izopuvh wrote

Which part is long long short shortThe first four notes if the MI theme is short short long long?


pango3001 OP t1_izow6a7 wrote

M is long long. I is short short


00134 t1_izoxd5f wrote

Isn’t the tune short short long long?

Edit. Looked up the sheet music. Never knew it was 1/8 1/8 1/2 1/2 in the intro. Thought the relevant measure was the 1/4° 1/8 1/4° 1/4°


N8CCRG t1_iznbrsm wrote

The Propellerheads' song "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" is built around the Morse Code for OHMSS (and the theme from the Bond film obviously).


GMaimneds t1_iznrw2y wrote

One of my all-time favorite tracks. It's an entire Bond film in song form.


KyleMcMn t1_iznslnl wrote

It’s funny how there is only 1 grammatical error in this title but I still had a stroke trying to read it at first.


astrolane t1_izmyd96 wrote

That's awesome and checking it with a Morse translator blows your mind and all, but now I'll sing it like MImiMiMImimiMIMImimimi :(


WaterFriendsIV t1_iznoin2 wrote

And here I was mistakenly humming the Hawaii 5-0 theme thinking, "Wait a minute, that doesn't fit!"


madclarinet t1_izplwrg wrote

Old 1970's British Sitcom "Some mother Do 'Ave 'Em" also did that with the theme tune. The tune is the more for the title. My dad didn't notice if for years and he was an avid ham radio operator so when it was pointed out to him it was funny.


solblurgh t1_izn0k3o wrote

I don't even know what I should say


BurtMacklin-FBl t1_izn0pap wrote

Iron Maiden song about an airship disaster has an SOS distress signal in morse code in middle section of the song. So does Metallica's Cyanide intro.


Eatit6560154 t1_iznkhu2 wrote

Get set. Mission's up, tap it off.


mlvezie t1_iznlj0g wrote

And the alert if you leave your keys in a Honda is . . . ., the letter H


19NotMe73 t1_iznu9dx wrote

And Beethoven's Fifth (Roman numeral V) iconic "short short short long" is also V in Morse code


frankybling t1_izodu6t wrote

always counted it as 1,2-1,2,3 in band class.


Baldussimo t1_izp662o wrote

Very cool and blew my mind! Thanks for sharing.


GSyncNew t1_izpwzma wrote

This altered my entire perception of reality.


FredEffinShopan t1_izqon1d wrote

Since we’re naming 5/4 songs now, My Wave by Soundgarden. One of the members, if I remember correctly, said they felt bad for the crowd trying to move to it at live shows


herbw t1_izp2lxu wrote

Round here, there's lots of emphasis on "long" or "short". Thank you , Father Freud. Right again.

& that's the long and the short of it.

And "The End" is in view.


[deleted] t1_izn9dxd wrote


Another day, another uneducated reddator owned. Tonight i sleep well 😌
