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HellBoundWhiskeyBent t1_j1xhw2z wrote

Those shabang chips are đŸ”„đŸ”„. They're all the chip flavors in one. And to buy them "OUT HERE" they can be expensive. If you find Lil Baby "ALL IN" rap snacks they taste the same.


BigCommieMachine t1_j1yafbf wrote

“All Dressed” chips seems to be the same thing by your description and they are very popular in Canada. A few brands like Ruffles and Humpty Dumpty have them in the US.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j20enob wrote

I took a look at Amazon and a reviewer describes them as "ketchup with a decent amount of umami". Sounds a lot like ketchup chips I picked up at Tractor Supply a few years ago... they were good but the tart taste got to be too much and I couldn't finish the bag.


Bahariasaurus t1_j21hkvf wrote

When I went to Canada I ate a whole bunch of All Dressed Chips and when I got back to the US I googled how to get some and the answer was "serve time in prison".


strugglingtobemyself t1_j1y88vn wrote

Zaps voodoo and zaps voodoo heat are “everything” flavored with the heat version including spicy chips


i81u812 t1_j1zphct wrote

Rap Snax are some of the best fucking straight up chip you can buy.


LeicaM6guy t1_j1ytx89 wrote

I tried the rap snack one and just couldn’t finish it. The combination of every flavor was just kind of awful.


BannerRanch t1_j23ijn0 wrote

Ooh trying Shabang chips has been on my to-do list for awhile after I heard about them one day and read some funny Amazon reviews, but I didn’t want to shell out $15 a bag or commit a felony. However you’re saying Lil Baby flavor Rap Snacks are the same, which Sam’s Clubs is selling, along with the Nicki Minaj flavor, so why the fuck not, now I have $30 in chips coming my way, but I’m getting twice as much value wise, plus variety, so yeah, thanks for the info lol.