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g0juice t1_j20k2b0 wrote

Gotcha but if I was weighting where to donate money amongst all the people, places, and things in the world I’m pretty sure prisoners would probably not be in the top half of the list.


2plopplopplop2 t1_j20pzrp wrote

Good thing other people think differently.


g0juice t1_j21d65y wrote

Lol yeah I guess that explains criminals.


2plopplopplop2 t1_j21du07 wrote

Or people who can still want to help people out no matter their circumstance.


g0juice t1_j21h0l5 wrote

Do you maybe might kinda think there would possibly be a better group of people to help? You know like orphans or battered women or maybe hospital patients or the elderly? I don’t know I’m just like spit ballin over here or thinking out loud but yeah hmm.


2plopplopplop2 t1_j22in57 wrote

Yeah hmmm there's plenty of people willing to help those.groups, it's okay to want to help people in prison too.


g0juice t1_j232yzv wrote

Lol. Help their victims or anything besides people just out there committing crimes but yeah you do you


2plopplopplop2 t1_j23dape wrote

I think you're going to be confused when you find out that the majority of prisoners are there for victimless crimes.