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HellBoundWhiskeyBent t1_j1xhw2z wrote

Those shabang chips are šŸ”„šŸ”„. They're all the chip flavors in one. And to buy them "OUT HERE" they can be expensive. If you find Lil Baby "ALL IN" rap snacks they taste the same.


BigCommieMachine t1_j1yafbf wrote

ā€œAll Dressedā€ chips seems to be the same thing by your description and they are very popular in Canada. A few brands like Ruffles and Humpty Dumpty have them in the US.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j20enob wrote

I took a look at Amazon and a reviewer describes them as "ketchup with a decent amount of umami". Sounds a lot like ketchup chips I picked up at Tractor Supply a few years ago... they were good but the tart taste got to be too much and I couldn't finish the bag.


Bahariasaurus t1_j21hkvf wrote

When I went to Canada I ate a whole bunch of All Dressed Chips and when I got back to the US I googled how to get some and the answer was "serve time in prison".


strugglingtobemyself t1_j1y88vn wrote

Zaps voodoo and zaps voodoo heat are ā€œeverythingā€ flavored with the heat version including spicy chips


i81u812 t1_j1zphct wrote

Rap Snax are some of the best fucking straight up chip you can buy.


LeicaM6guy t1_j1ytx89 wrote

I tried the rap snack one and just couldnā€™t finish it. The combination of every flavor was just kind of awful.


BannerRanch t1_j23ijn0 wrote

Ooh trying Shabang chips has been on my to-do list for awhile after I heard about them one day and read some funny Amazon reviews, but I didnā€™t want to shell out $15 a bag or commit a felony. However youā€™re saying Lil Baby flavor Rap Snacks are the same, which Samā€™s Clubs is selling, along with the Nicki Minaj flavor, so why the fuck not, now I have $30 in chips coming my way, but Iā€™m getting twice as much value wise, plus variety, so yeah, thanks for the info lol.


w33dcup t1_j1xrozk wrote

I get these as free samples when I attend law enforcement conferences. The prison commissary vendors hand them out along with other prison snacks. I can confirm they are quite tasty.


MrBeverly t1_j1xs8r9 wrote

If you'd like an idea of what these chips taste like without having to catch a charge, keep an eye out for Ruffles All Dressed (or just any all dressed chip if you're Canadian). It's the same concept but not quite.

The Whole Shabang is definitely a bucket list snack, but $1/oz as offered on their website is slightly outside my chip budget.


hansislegend t1_j1xtrr2 wrote

Who gets money from the sales? Iā€™m down to overpay for some good chips if my money doesnā€™t go towards prisons. Lol.


Gumburcules t1_j206bxn wrote

> If you'd like an idea of what these chips taste like without having to catch a charge,

Or just go to a corner store in the hood.

Every store in my neighborhood sells them.


Prometheus357 t1_j1xgx85 wrote

ā€œ3 soupsā€


arbivark t1_j1xzac8 wrote

a 'soup' is currency in jail. aka a packet of ramen. nissin chili ramen saved my life, because it's vegetarian and was one of the only things i could eat while in jail. it's hard to find on the outside, but i buy it when it see it.


Jaggedmallard26 t1_j1yzfso wrote

>it's hard to find on the outside, but i buy it when it see it.

Really? At least here in the UK it's available in most supermarkets and corner shops now. Top tier noodles though.


DangerousSuggestion8 t1_j1yhrvb wrote

I used to buy those off commissary, I traded them pretty often, I always liked the stuff the trustees in the kitchen stole better, peppers, cheese, hell I remember cooking up full meals in there, regardless I also traded a locker full of them for a chess set and a used mp3 player - I'm not exactly a social person so I just sat and played chess


ztreHdrahciR t1_j1yoadv wrote

Interestingly, we were recently asked to donate to a program where prisoners would receive snack boxes at Christmas, and it was limited to things like small bags of chips and other similar snacks. Now I wonder if the guys are like : "these suck, I want the Shabang chips"


g0juice t1_j209txe wrote

Imagine being able to donate to any charity or cause or problem and you donate to prisoners.

Maybe Iā€™m missing something here but like isnā€™t pretty much any cause better than this?


2plopplopplop2 t1_j20jpzh wrote

Prisoners are still people....


g0juice t1_j20k2b0 wrote

Gotcha but if I was weighting where to donate money amongst all the people, places, and things in the world Iā€™m pretty sure prisoners would probably not be in the top half of the list.


2plopplopplop2 t1_j20pzrp wrote

Good thing other people think differently.


g0juice t1_j21d65y wrote

Lol yeah I guess that explains criminals.


2plopplopplop2 t1_j21du07 wrote

Or people who can still want to help people out no matter their circumstance.


g0juice t1_j21h0l5 wrote

Do you maybe might kinda think there would possibly be a better group of people to help? You know like orphans or battered women or maybe hospital patients or the elderly? I donā€™t know Iā€™m just like spit ballin over here or thinking out loud but yeah hmm.


2plopplopplop2 t1_j22in57 wrote

Yeah hmmm there's plenty of people willing to help those.groups, it's okay to want to help people in prison too.


g0juice t1_j232yzv wrote

Lol. Help their victims or anything besides people just out there committing crimes but yeah you do you


2plopplopplop2 t1_j23dape wrote

I think you're going to be confused when you find out that the majority of prisoners are there for victimless crimes.


dinosauroil t1_j20pc1f wrote

I don't think anyone asked you to rate causes.


g0juice t1_j21d89h wrote

Which cell block were you on?


dinosauroil t1_j21wo1k wrote

seethe, pls


g0juice t1_j21x851 wrote

Sorry was asking for the number in english


dinosauroil t1_j21xoj5 wrote

Are they numbered? I thought it was letter labels or something


g0juice t1_j21xwuj wrote

Ahh, youā€™d know.


dinosauroil t1_j22pskc wrote

I genuinely didn't lol (was going off movies/songs, but apparently it's either based on brief googling I did just now. TIL). What point would you be attempting to make anyway, if I had known?


Zelensexual t1_j1yqszt wrote

I bought 12 bags of these once, because I'm a potato chip aficionado and had heard such good things about them, and they only sold them in bulk.

Unfortunately, I was not impressed. C-


Hanginon t1_j1ziulx wrote

I'm you.

Bought some (a case) for the same curiosity and found them less than appealing. I ended up giving them to my niece and her girlfriend, both of who found them to be delicious. ĀÆ\_( Ķ”ā›ā€ÆĶœŹ– Ķ”ā›)_/ĀÆ


Zelensexual t1_j1zjnvd wrote

Yeah. And I usually can't get enough of potato chips. I ended up giving most of them away too. Don't think anyone else really enjoyed them either.


Hanginon t1_j1zkkca wrote

Yep, Pleughhhh...

I was glad that the girls enjoyed them, as I didn't.


Ktla75 t1_j2091cc wrote

Now they're in prison because the chips were that good.


Sansia t1_j1zd4hf wrote

You likely already have, but you should order up some Gibbleā€™s Red Hot chips. Martins makes the same chip, but the lard makes a huge difference.


jessi74 t1_j1y2xj9 wrote

Apparently Zapps voodoo chips are similar if you can't find the whole shebang easily.


JonLongsonLongJonson t1_j1y7hfe wrote

Someone else compared them to All Dressed flavor Ruffles, which I love. I just tried these Zapps chips a few days ago and theyā€™re salt and vinegar, which I really donā€™t like. Also kind of barbecue-y but still.

This makes me really wonder what these chips actually taste like


No-Student5710 t1_j1xp9rw wrote

Ive tried these. They are great to eat with cheese. Any sliced cheese


selftitleddebutalbum t1_j205v94 wrote

Damn, that mix of salt and vinegar and bbq sounds good. Now I want some.


WalkerBRiley t1_j1z8ix9 wrote

>In 2012, Keefe acknowledged publicly that they had a major hit on their hands, but wouldn't offer The Whole Shabang for sale to the general public.

Utilizing the Eric Cartman "You Can't Come" technique, I see.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j20dzx9 wrote

So are the Shebang chips just loaded with 5 times the normal seasoning and a ton of MSG? I've had good chips, the Kettle brand is probably about the best I've tasted, but I'm not sure how a brand can be on a completely different level.


danmusic666 t1_j21bfxt wrote

They sell them on Amazon but at a crazy mark up. They also sell pickled clams or whatever that shit was