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DaveOJ12 t1_j0seawn wrote

I wonder if it has been dumped.


Bralbany t1_j0serd6 wrote

I forgot Sears branded Atari's as their own


Landlubber77 t1_j0sfkkw wrote

Besides both featuring wagons, Oregon Trail and Chuck Wagon dog food gave their users fatal dysentery.


blup12 t1_j0shyso wrote

I have one. Ugh I ate so much dog food.


Pencilowner t1_j0smccn wrote

This was back in the day when a kid in high school could whip out a game for a corporation in a couple weeks and clear $30k.


Fred_Evil t1_j0spo71 wrote

No ... no, I don't have this game. I do, however, have E.T.


thehoagieboy t1_j0sqlu2 wrote

I remember the Kool-Aid man game, but not this one.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j0srlzs wrote

Purina is some garbage... way back in the day I adopted a shelter dog and she had all kinds of digestive problems for a few weeks until I took her off Purina and put her on IAMS. All those problems cleared up literally overnight. To this day I will never give a dog cheap dog food if I can help it.


hells_cowbells t1_j0sv5fj wrote

The one my brother and I had was the Sears brand. My parents had a Sears credit card, and must have always had a huge balance on it, because damn near everything came from Sears. Appliances, tools, clothes, and even video games.


tripping_on_phonics t1_j0t23kg wrote

It was a bit later, but Chex Quest was also amazing back in the day.


ZootyCutie OP t1_j0t2ixl wrote

Fun fact, in a specific way, that game's related to the merchandising company of this one. Purina was once Ralston Purina, with a cereal branch. And Chex was one of the cereals that branch made. Seems Chex Quest was released right before General Mills bought the Ralston side of the company, game was 1996, buyout was 1997.


Menace2Sobriety t1_j0twuuq wrote

Weird. I just learned about this listening to "Stuff You Should Know".


Nuclear_Farts t1_j0txcfg wrote

They did it again years later with the Purina Dog Food Incredible Dog Challenge. It was a CD with flash games where you’re a dog that has to perform in events.


epochpenors t1_j0tycjf wrote

Damn, only worth about $1,100 in top tier graded condition. Guess Atari collecting isn’t too widespread anymore.


BadgerSituation t1_j0typ6o wrote

> Their Kenmore appliances were whirlpool

Holy shit. Is that why Kenmore is a thing?

I'm in Europe, where we don't even have Sears (to my knowledge), but we do have Kenmore products and they're always just other brands under the Kenmore name for reasons I never understood.


BxTart t1_j0u78j9 wrote

Around 1985, I watched a commercial during Saturday morning cartoons for a toy that was a Heinz Ketchup bottle that transformed into a spaceship. It was a mail order thing & I only saw the commercial once. I’ve searched but never seen any information online about it. If it’s a real thing & I didn’t misinterpret a ketchup commercial during a Saturday morning daze, I’d have to say that toy is incredibly rare.


undertoe420 t1_j0ubicm wrote

I have this game... It's not that rare. I'm having a much harder time finding the advergame Tooth Protectors at a fair market price.


PuckSR t1_j0uenlb wrote

Yes. Sears basically came up with the idea of "re-badging". Basically, generic store brands for appliances, tools, etc.

Kenmore isn't exclusively Whirlpool. It depended on the product. They also had a lot of Electrolux too(the sister company of Husqvarna, so it makes sense)

Nowadays, the practice is more common. Even a lot of popular brands have their own rebadged brands, particularly in tools


crystalistwo t1_j0ufm88 wrote

I've heard this before, they advertised that like crazy back then. On TV ads and in print.


BadgerSituation t1_j0uimnv wrote

> Kenmore isn't exclusively Whirlpool

Yeah. That I know.

It's just always baffled me as to why.

And it's now more baffling.

Companies, with respected names here in Europe, are being rebranded under a name created by an American store, to be sold under that less-well-known name, to European customers, where that store doesn't exist.

Obviously "money" is the answer, but I can't see how.


PuckSR t1_j0ujqqv wrote

Well, take Electrolux as an example of why this happens.
Electrolux is a well-respected brand in Europe, but they sell under all of these brand names in Europe.

They use it as a way to differentiate their lines(using old names). So instead of needing to sell "Electrolux crappy" and "Electrolux fancy", they just sell it under the alternative brand names. That way, dumb people won't get mad at the entire brand just because their cheap unit failed on them.

Prior to this practice, one company might dominate the "cheap" sector, while another company dominated the "high end" sector for a given product. By using these sub-brands, one company can make both and maintain their reputation.


DirtyDanTheManlyMan t1_j0umqco wrote

Quick someone tell AVGN so he can make a lazy video where he calls a 40 year old game shitty and make poop jokes about it


PuckSR t1_j0unme1 wrote

Yeah, now Kenmore enters the chat. It is basically a zombie brand. What does that mean? It means that it is a former defunct company's name that they can use to maybe push some products. I dont know about Kenmore in Europe, but I would guess it is being applied to cheaper appliances.

See, when Electrolux goes to launch a new line, they don't just want to make up a name no one has ever heard of. So, they pay a couple thousand dollars and buy a brand name from a dead company. Then they slap that on their new line and people are a little more comfortable buying it.

The most egregious example of this in the USA was the brand "GE". GE was an industrial juggernaut in the US. They made everything from nuclear reactors to trains. However, they didn't sell very much in the consumer space. So, several companies bought the license to use their name on products like TVs.