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proggieus t1_izemr5r wrote

I spent a day with the Colonel in the late '70s when I was in a KFC commercial. I don't remember much other than he was very grandfatherly towards me-

I got an envelope in the mail sometime later with a picture of me and my sister with him on the set(she was also in the commercial) and a personalized autographed photo of him saying

"To (my name), My little TV Star...."


when I turned 16 I applied for a job at KFC as a cook- when I filled out the application it asked if I had ever worked for KFC, before-

being 16 and unsure what to answer I checked yes.

the manager knowing that you had to be 16 to work there and that I had just turned 16 was a little confused, when I explained he literally said"no fucking way". when I told him I had pictures to prove it he said "you're hired but you need to bring the pictures in and show them"


I did but the job sucked so I was only there about 7 months or so.


VeryJoyfulHeart59 t1_izhdhze wrote

I also worked at KFC in the late '70s. Being a cook (or a manager, like me) was hard work, especially at pot stores.


HopandBrew t1_ize2am7 wrote

How is there not a movie about this guy? The more I learn about him, the crazier the story gets.


cetacretin t1_ize2z8i wrote

The story of Ettore Boiardi (Chef Boyardee) is pretty interesting too. I grew up thinking it had always been a cheap processed canned food line, and the whole Chef thing was just a marketing shtick, which is not the case.


Solidsnakeerection t1_izegg5p wrote

He is a cool dude. He started in canned food because people enjoyed the food at his restaurant so much that they wanted to buy his sauses to bring home. He studied the ideal place to grow totmatoes in America and chose it for his factory location. He was contracted by the US Army to provide food for the army because it was considered high quality but affordable. After the war he chose to sell the company rather then lay off workers. He sold it to a larger corporation on the condition nobody lost their jobs.


bolanrox t1_izenkwl wrote

he catered Woodrow Wilson's Wedding.. and some other white house dinners. he was legit


ryschwith t1_izfag1g wrote

I suspect you’d have a really hard time getting KFC or the Sanders estate to approve the movie everyone would want to see.


Honeycub76239 t1_izg6eb6 wrote

There is a KFC mini series featuring Mario Lopez as sexy Colonel Sanders.


litux t1_izf536m wrote

Serious Los Pollos Hermanos vibes.


bolanrox t1_izenhwx wrote

if they made The Founder.... this one is way more interesting


Landlubber77 t1_izdt16j wrote

The judge deferred to Colonel Sanders on what method of execution the condemned suffer, hanging or the electric chair. Sanders replied, "make 'em extra crispy," and the chair it was.


rpbanker t1_ize25el wrote

Dave Thomas' (founder of Wendy's) autobiography has a lot of good KFC stuff in it since he used to work for the Colonel. Sanders apparently swore a lot and frequently got into fistfights.


Solidsnakeerection t1_izeginy wrote

Lost his law license after getting into a fist fight with his client in the court room


bolanrox t1_izenp67 wrote

he also was very vocal about how he hated what they did to his recipes after he sold the company.


SlayerofSnails t1_izf6ejp wrote

After reading the article I’m shocked he didn’t beat up the board or shoot them


bolanrox t1_izf6yta wrote

he would call the mashed potatoes wall paper paste and shit like that.


Ewesmakepoos t1_izffex3 wrote

There's a spot in Limerick, Ireland that sells his original recipe. I'm pretty sure you can order it online.


bolanrox t1_izffkg7 wrote

spice X or something like that name is the pre made spice blend you can get it online


Ewesmakepoos t1_izfmki0 wrote

Graces famous chicken it's what it's called. There's a story to how he got it but I can't remember. It's all on wiki


bolanrox t1_izfnbsg wrote

i am pretty sure Sanders didnt give a fuck (or even sign) and NDA. I want to say he just told people


bolanrox t1_izffkyd wrote

spice X or something like that name is the pre made spice blend you can get it online


IBeTrippin t1_izforks wrote

Dave Thomas came up with the KFC bucket idea!


Somethingmorbid t1_izeuee6 wrote

I said it before and I'll say it again, he got into exactly as many gunfights as you would figure a Kentucky chicken man would.


murrrow t1_izf7ofi wrote

Some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take - Colonel Sanders probably


Uncle_Rabbit t1_izf9vh7 wrote

"All of you will die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take".

Colonel Sanders to his chickens before sprinkling 11 herbs and spices over them.


Dawnawaken92 t1_izdlb3b wrote

That's one way to get rid of the competition.


Goalie_deacon t1_izf86sh wrote

And that folks is how to get Employee of the Month at KFC. Get shot by a Popeye’s franchise owner, and you too can have your pic on the wall. Get out there, and make KFC proud.


Solsatanis t1_izdyqgw wrote

Having 10 luck in fallout be like;


LoserCowGoMoo t1_izgdas8 wrote

This could make for a good comedy movie with Will Ferrell and John C Reilly


Jameschoral t1_izhvaij wrote

Well, let me just quote the late great Colonel Sanders who said "I'm too drunk to taste this chicken".


AppleJ33 t1_izewm2n wrote

Damn, today I learned... The movie "The Founder" about McDonald's was interesting and I liked it. I would be very interested in a movie about the Colonel.


bolanrox t1_izenuk4 wrote

he had two types of suits as well.

Linen for warm weather, and wool for the cooler months.


MeanGreanHare t1_izfd6ui wrote

Did he also have a drug lab under the place that washed his white suits?


Craw__ t1_izg1ab6 wrote

Plot twist. The Colonel shot his own employee and framed Stewart for the murder.


herbw t1_izegyid wrote

Stewart eliminated himself. Murder is still illegal and the old 19th C. methods of competitions have been outlawed.


frix86 t1_izfaana wrote

"Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make"


Royal-Doggie t1_izg3e3w wrote

I come here for a fucking shoot out alright? Some proper shoot out with some proper man. Like a carnel deserves. Is that happening? No. Because you were to busy with a bloody courthouse


Wankers, wasting my time

Sanders after hearing of the ruling probably


Ahelex t1_izgtaiy wrote

That's definitely one way of removing your competitor.

  1. Challenge them to a potentially fatal duel.

  2. Have somebody nearby.

  3. Stage it up so your competitor kills that somebody.

  4. Convict him of murder, thus costing him his business.

  5. Profit.


Lovat69 t1_izh2c8n wrote

That's some reverse Wimp Lo shit there.