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ScrotiusRex t1_j1ut84d wrote

He was a war criminal and a racist is what he was.


HobgoblinKhanate t1_j1vvt3s wrote

Wait til you read about other leaders throughout history across the world


Frenchybaby01 t1_j1wdafm wrote

I dunno how many other 20th century leaders advocated for starving the bengalis in India or who had an incredible contempt for irish people. Churchill was a dickhead by their standards too.


HobgoblinKhanate t1_j1wdy7p wrote

Yeah I’m not arguing he was a dick or not. Like Stalin, he helped stop the world falling into fascism. Stalin was also a dick. So we’re many people throughout history

Though I don’t know why such a guy was against using napalm. Maybe he grew a conscience in the 50s