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RandoCalrissian11 t1_j118hus wrote

As they should be.

In no state is it illegal to have liquor in your car, so there’s no reason not to have convenience.


OrionR t1_j119pwj wrote

In some states it is illegal to have liquor in a compartment accessible to the driver while in motion, so the drive thru format would have to involve loading the trunk instead of handing the purchase through a rolled down window. That practically limits the order fulfillment method to curbside pickup.

Edit: Seems I had bad info on the state I had in mind but the myth came from somewhere. Anyone know what state might have a law about location of SEALED containers in a motor vehicle?


fiddlenutz t1_j11b56e wrote

I thought it was only if the liquor was opened.


OrionR t1_j11cyt3 wrote

I was specifically thinking of North Carolina when I made my post, but looking around the internet the no closed alcohol containers in the passenger compartment rule may only apply to commercial vehicles. It's unclear to me now since I can't easily find the law itself. Everything I saw while skimming seems to be secondhand info, and some of my search results say that it is specifically legal rather than illegal in a commercial vehicle, contradicting the others.

Apparently we need a lawyer to be certain. The only thing I can be sure of now is that I was told to keep it in the trunk even if closed so that a cop couldn't use it as an excuse. I thought it was a misdemeanor.


piquedinhighschool t1_j11ecte wrote

I’ve never heard of your supposed rule for passenger cars. I feel like that would need to be a pretty prominent message because people buy alcohol all the time and put it in the seat next to them.


PM_ME_GERMAN_SHEPARD t1_j11g9pb wrote

Maybe it’s a state by state thing, cuz I was always told to put it in the backseat or trunk. Can’t remember where but… I’ve always done it for some reason.


OrionR t1_j11gtuc wrote

It's not "my" rule. I never asked for it.

Found the actual law:

It looks like what I heard before was just incorrect, the law explicitly allows sealed containers in the passenger compartment. Also, the commercial vehicle exception is to allow open containers.

Funny enough, if you ask Bing a rather pointed question about whether or not a SEALED container is illegal in the passenger compartment in North Carolina, it says that it is... misinterpreting the available sources like what appears to be many other parties before it.

Regardless, I do think it's wise advice to put it in the trunk whenever practical like any object that could become a projectile in an accident.


JazzFestFreak t1_j13tkpg wrote

Here is south Louisiana we have the “drive thru daiquiri” shop. Literally roll up, order a car full of daiquiris, and go. Since they do not put a straw in they say the lid makes is “closed”.

Edit: just one of many way to prove it:


HPmoni t1_j156ulg wrote

Game well played!

Open containers are illegal.


RandoCalrissian11 t1_j13vpzi wrote

Yes, that’s a little different. During Covid you could order any drink (and maybe still can, I think they never changed that) to go and it was fine as long as it had a lid and like a piece of tape over the lid.


JazzFestFreak t1_j13wsbr wrote

That was definitely a life saver for the bars. Culturally it is very different here. We were the last state to raise the drinking age. No politician will win if they say they will tighten up the “drive thru daiquiri” loophole. Cops know virtually every person who gets a daiquiri is putting the straw in and sipping as they pull out of the lot. And this is not just New Orleans. It is nearly every county (we call them “parishes”) in the lower part of the state. MADD tried to shut them down in the 90’s and a satirical group called DAMM cranked up (drinks against mad mothers) it is just one of those nutso things down here. Maybe the hurricanes made us crazy. When I walk the dogs in the evening, it is common to do so with a “walking cocktail”. Sipping a Sazerac while taking the evening stroll is nearly expected.


RandoCalrissian11 t1_j13zzb1 wrote

I’m from Florida. Totally understand. A walking cocktail is necessary. Also aware of DAMM. There are parts of the US that an open container is allowed as long as it’s not in the drivers hand.