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gsoClarke t1_j29jm26 wrote

I've never had a problem with LDL (90), BP (120/70), heart rate (48-54), nor chest pain, and I live a fairly active life playing pickleball several times a week. On 10/27/22 I suffered an acute STEMI, ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction from 5 blockages, 4 of 100% and one of 60-70%. Oh my!

Got 4 stents in 3 places and 2 angioplasties. Then they checked the lipoprotein a. Turns out my LP(a) is 48, twice what would be expected. Apparently, that stuff is very sticky.

I'm good now with a short run anyway. Was back playing pickleball in 3 weeks, and I feel great. I'm interested to see what the research will reveal about lowering LP(a).


questionhorror OP t1_j29jxls wrote

What medications did they put you on? I have to take blood thinners and have to take a statin and a statin injection as well.

I’m so glad you’re okay.


cvpeck t1_j2dqu6e wrote

LP(a) of 161 (1.61g/L) checking in! Currently on a double blind trial of some new medication to try to lower it.


questionhorror OP t1_j297rqt wrote

It can be diagnosed with a blood test and your doctor will need to get your cholesterol as low as they can to minimize the risk of plaque buildup. They may also want to put you on plavix and aspirin.


poktanju t1_j29o5m3 wrote

Were you watching NOVA too?


questionhorror OP t1_j29oe43 wrote

No, but I’m really glad they covered this! I have it and am trying to get the word out. I didn’t know where else to share it. I want people to know this is a thing and get checked.