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Hambredd t1_j6oqs71 wrote

'The sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons'

Nothing about that suggests the descendants of criminals deserve punishment.

>Tu quoque?

I was making a play for empathy. I don't think you should suffer from the sins of your countries past, but I was hoping that would realise how stupid that is in concept if you thought about what it would be like for you.


stefantalpalaru t1_j6oriai wrote

> I don't think you should suffer from the sins of your countries past

It's unavoidable, and so is benefiting from them. Go walk around Brussels sometime.


Hambredd t1_j6ortpx wrote

So what's your solution?


stefantalpalaru t1_j6osga4 wrote

> So what's your solution?



Hambredd t1_j6osmwe wrote

Education isn't a punishment

How would you make Brussels suffer?


stefantalpalaru t1_j6ot8bi wrote

> Education isn't a punishment

Isn't it, though?


Hambredd t1_j6othbl wrote

Are you trolling me? Of course it isn't, it's a net positive. A punishment would be denying Belgium's education and sending the education budget to the Congo


stefantalpalaru t1_j6ovp0v wrote

> it's a net positive

You think Germans enjoy learning about Nazi Germany? You think the French enjoy learning about Napoleon?


Hambredd t1_j6own06 wrote

No more than I enjoyed learning about Nazi Germany. But learning about horrible things doesn't make your life worse. And hope they understand the world (you aside) doesn't blame them for the Nazis.