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tnicholson t1_j6i0rv4 wrote

As an American, please stop bringing up the US when it’s completely irrelevant. Especially if you’re going to tack on some nebulous pseudo-intellectual commentary.


Full_Temperature_920 t1_j6i7cmg wrote

It's only natural to interpret new info in the context of what you already know. Everytime I learn something about another country I think about it compares to Jamaica. Why can't your compatriot do the same with your country?

You really hate your country that much that you can't stand to even see it mentioned in online forums huh?


omar1993 t1_j6ianrm wrote

and you're clearly obsessed with your country if you think it makes sense to bring it up when it's utterly irrelevant. You really hate being on topic, huh?


geologyrocks98 t1_j6i598m wrote

You sound like the kind of person who uses words like "earthy" and "tannic" to describe the aroma of your own farts.


_SkateFastEatAss_ t1_j6ix4b7 wrote

At least they don't bring up farts in a conversation as an 11 year old would do


geologyrocks98 t1_j6j14e1 wrote

What would I do without your pearl clutching, u/_SkateFastEatAss_? You truly are a beacon of maturity. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.


_SkateFastEatAss_ t1_j6j2ris wrote

The amount you overreact means you're either a troll or a manchild.

Either way, I hope you feel better soon.