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Poggse t1_j5snve7 wrote


OneObi t1_j5spu1a wrote

And yours are?


Poggse t1_j5sxlqr wrote

It's not my examples. It's the world. Ask any doctor 🤷‍♂️


Lyx4088 t1_j5tcdbm wrote

It’s not just me. Studies back up women take longer to get diagnosed than men for the same disease. By years.

Many diseases just take a fucking eternity to get diagnosed properly.

Endometriosis is one that takes forever:

Autoimmune diseases can be really tricky to diagnosis and can take a ridiculously long time, sometimes upwards of 10 years for some people:

The average time for diagnosis of a rare disease is 4-5 years, and during that time it’s often hell for patients:

And since I mentioned my own person story that you shit on in favor of anecdotal evidence from your doctor, narcolepsy takes on average 7 years to diagnose from symptom onset:

Do a tiny bit of research and you can see your bold statements about hypochondriacs and people being overly dramatic are dead wrong and your doctor is absolutely ignorant about what patients go through and likely part of the problem.


Poggse t1_j5ukgfw wrote

Because they don't keep statistics on fakers 🤣

You don't know how stats work. That's fine.


Lyx4088 t1_j5us7hv wrote

I’m well aware of how stats work. Are you? I don’t think so, because if you were, you wouldn’t be saying quite literally millions of people are faking and putting themselves in enormous medical debt just to support the faking. People don’t work like that. Not having an easy to diagnose illness doesn’t mean you’re faking. And things like autoimmune diseases, endometriosis, heart issues, cancers, etc all have hard metrics to point to in order to support the diagnosis. Genetic diseases have literal genetic differences you can point to and say this is why your body is having issues because you’re not manufacturing this enzyme, your body can’t process this food item, this biochemical pathway is making a mistake at this point, etc.

Also, there are statistics out there for people faking. It’s pegged at less than 1% of patients, or in practical numbers, 6.8 patients per 100,000 patients. That is far, far less than people who struggle to get diagnosed.


Poggse t1_j5usl61 wrote

If a patient complains enough, the doctor will prescribe something. That's why drug reps make more in a year than many people make in a lifetime. Doesn't mean the patients have actual issues.

It's a self perpetuating system


Lyx4088 t1_j5utbbm wrote

A doctor prescribing something doesn’t mean insurance will cover it. For someone who was insistent a personal story was non-representative, who was then confronted with multiple statistics across numerous diseases and hard data numbers, you sure are making a whole lot of personal claims with no evidence to back it.

Edit: it’s also worth noting that a doctor not diagnosing a patient with something doesn’t mean they’re prescribing something anyway. You’re mixing up an inability to diagnose with prescription medication use. Though doctors do and can prescribe medication when a diagnosis is not clear, it’s more likely a doctor won’t prescribe anything.


Poggse t1_j5utwd2 wrote

There isn't data tracking over prescribed and over diagnosed patients. Because that wouldn't indict doctors of crimes.

"100% of unreported crime goes unsolved"

See how easy it is to make stats fit a narrative?

Especially for something that cannot be quantified with numbers like pain sensitivity


Lyx4088 t1_j5uuh2v wrote

Wrong again. Yes there is.

Antibiotics are the biggest culprit of being prescribed when not warranted. That absolutely has issues, but the people pressuring their doctor for antibiotics are not the people who are going back time after time over years to a number of doctors trying to figure out what is going on with them. Those are not the people who are going undiagnosed with symptoms that can’t be currently (emphasis on currently) be explained by the doctor overseeing their care.


Poggse t1_j5uv4qw wrote

Ok now do the opioid epidemic.

Or maybe medicinal Marijuana before it was made recreationally legal.


Lyx4088 t1_j5uzvae wrote

What do those have to do with anything? A patient coming to a doctor looking for answers to what they’re struggling with does not mean they’re faking. The opioid epidemic was caused by doctors and pharmaceutical companies underplaying the addiction risks for far too long. That has nothing to do with patients who can’t get diagnosed. Pain is a common symptom of many diseases, but having pain doesn’t mean drug seeking. And if you’d bother to read anything (because clearly you’re not) you’d see that doctors are not prescribing pain medications when not warranted based on the presenting complaint to a huge extent, and that is even more true in todays world where they’re even going after pharmacies for not controlling opioid medications better and verifying abuse. Trying to discuss opioids in this context isn’t even the same thing.

And medical marijuana? What does that have to do with anything. You seem to be making an assumption that the people who are going undiagnosed are walking away with either an opioid prescription or using medical marijuana with zero data to support it. Stop distracting from the fact that you are absolutely wrong in your baseless assumption people who are undiagnosed after visiting a primary doctor are faking.


Poggse t1_j5v07p1 wrote

Opioid and Marijuana prescriptions shown that the system us abused and gamed by patients. If patients can lie to get drugs, why wouldn't they lie to get fussed over and get personal attention that they're starved for? Have you met old people?


Lyx4088 t1_j5v0kmh wrote

That has nothing to do with people not being diagnosed by a primary doctor. Seriously. Do some reading on what is actually going on and how deficient medicine truly is rather than making asinine assumptions and equating correlation with causation and direct effect. You’re also misrepresenting the opioid epidemic as a patient problem which is absolutely not the case.


Lyx4088 t1_j5tcovx wrote

Seriously? Have you even bothered to look at the research? The clear answer is no because if you had you’d know my experiences and the experiences of people I know are fairly typical. If you still want to double down, feel free to check out my links below that reference studies on various diseases and how long it takes to get diagnosed. You’ll see what I described in my “non-representative” personal experiences is in fact very typical and representative of getting diagnosed with a chronic illness.


Poggse t1_j5ukwpy wrote

So what's the data and research on fakers and overly dramatic attention seekers?