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[deleted] t1_j5vtfjd wrote

oh cool! I'll have to check that out. I've been on all sides of the coin- have gone through wild goose chases only to find out something was legit wrong, have gone through them to find out it was something simple(like when I finally found out I had like, almost no B12 or vitamin D levels and that's why I felt like utter dogshit...that was a time). I've also learned a LOT about anxiety and panic these past few years and now that I'm more aware of that in general, I'm often amazed at the physical symptoms it can cause. But it took a lot of reworking of how I've been taught about what having 'anxiety' means to be accepting of that.


Alba-Indy t1_j5vz0v3 wrote

Genuinely sorry to hear you’ve been through that. It all kind of feeds into itself and can become a self fulfilling prophecy in a way. Very hard to think straight and find a way round it when anxiety is through the roof. Watching my dad go through the shit he’s had to deal with ,and is still dealing with ,has been so difficult. (Wracked with pain, pseudo seizures, personality changes, anxious as hell,etc.etc.). “All in his head”. I’m a health care professional and had never heard of fn pseudo seizures! Thought he was just having everyone on. I knew they weren’t “real” having seen lots of actual seizures, but couldn’t get my head round the fact that to him they are genuine. Total head fuck. His doctor is amazing though and has been brilliant at explaining things to my dad and especially my mum who has to deal with his stuff every day. He has made great progress at times, then falls back. Sorry to go on but I think I needed to get some shit off my chest.🤪


[deleted] t1_j5w00ke wrote

oh wow!! It's really amazing what our mind can convince us of- either convince us and make us feel like something is happening or actually subconsciously causes that thing. The human body is honestly just bizarre.